Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "He, what? Xiaoni teacher, you, have you still have enough?" Qi Tianlei pulled the mouth and showed a horror show.

, "How? I don't want me to eat?"

"No, no, you eat, you just eat." Qi Tianlei is busy.

"Come, put the food on this side, come over the lady." Yan Shii immediately told.

Dragon Strings look at the Skianti, who can eat, is also sweaty, and the heart is more fortunate to be clearly understood.

Easy cold looks at the direction of the gate, the scorpion is tall, and the wine in the cup is turned down, drink it.

"Zone, do you have any feelings?" Hu Li asked the little ask.

The easy cold days faintly returned: "No."

Hu Li is again said again: "The main owner, there is a sentence, and it is unknown that it is not known."

When I heard this, I saw him at the cold day and slowly said: "Say."

Hu L Li is doubtful, or the opening: "I don't know why, I always feel some unrestrained in this heart. I feel that there is something big to happen."

The fingers pinching the wine glass can also do not help with the fingers, and stop the action, "big things?"

"I don't know if I'm doing something bad." Hu Li said again. "It has never been this feeling again." This is the first time. "

"Okay, a few glasses of wine, maybe I don't feel this." Yi Han Tian said, put the wine in the cup again.

In fact, his heart also has inexplicable uneasiness, and this is not too strange.

At this time, there is a sign of Zongmen, "Shi Feng, this wine also has a lot of drinks, some problems, words tonight, it is a long time. I don't know if the historia will answer one or two?"

Shi Shi heard this person, then look, his face showed a smile asked: "It turned out to be no quantitative words, I don't know, what is the reason?"

People in the temple also look at the words, some people are actually probably guess what the problem he wants is, nothing more than what happened last night.

The words were toned, slowly asked: "When the words heard that the Strong Zongzong has many Warcraft in the ferry of the beast? Have a more amazing news, there is a gap in the ancient beast, Zijin Is the dragon here? "

Everyone has seen the epic, they want to hear the exact answer.

Yi Han Tian also looked at him and stared at the expression of his face.

For a time, everyone's focus is on epic.

"Many Warcraft Robbery? Do you have Zijinlong? Who is this? This bully does not know?" Shi Shi couldn't help but accident.

At the same time, I laughed, "Everyone, the meteoric Warcraft is really very much, but there is no one to be robbed, what is more? Is it still more? It is impossible, it is impossible."

Some people immediately asked, "Don't say that there is so many gods to advance, say Zi Jinlong, this is someone seen."

"To the right, it seems that last night ... is right, you have a sister, Xiao Kiu, also present." The words immediately looked at Xiakiu.

Everyone follows the epic, I also looked at Xia Xiai, "Yan Girl, Nami, did you see it?"

"Well, yes! I saw it." , ignore, very good.

"Really? Is the Zijinlong still in your parameno? Who is it?" When the eye is suddenly lit, the speed of the question is quite a lot.

Like him, the other people heard the affirmative answer and suddenly excited.

Shiqi immediately put down the food in his hand, very elegant picked up a piece of Paton on the table, rubbing his own oil, then, slowly said: "Don't know, it seems to be left!"

"What? What does I not know? It seems like gone?" When a bunch suddenly shocked.


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