Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! ,, I don't know where to take a toothpick, and I will take back to my teeth: "Are you stupid? Shang Zijinlong is not an ordinary Warcraft, people will not go? I want to go. Tell this lady is not caught? Also, many people saw it last night, but people Zijinlong should not , do you know where it goes? "

I have fallen, and the Yishui is in a bunch of screams, "and don't say I know, even if it knows it, what do you tell you?"

Some people have some people think about people, although I feel hard, but it seems to be truthful.

However, the words are not good, the other party actually said that he is stupid?

Qi Tianlei also said: "It didn't appear in Zijinlong last night, but it was gone."

Liu Fang also said: "Liu Fang can also testify that our Master is also trapped in the array, not to enter, did not see other World of Warcraft, if it is not the old Yupo long, I will have to save. I am afraid that Master will not be able to Timely being rescued. "

Lu Yan's eyes, last night? How do he think that this is what the relationship is like this?

Upper Zijinlong ...

Dragon String's what is the relationship?

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Dragon Strings are also bright, and if you can get this purple Jinlong's help, his young master is, can't help but sit, and even the master of the master, Long Tian proudly wants Let it come out!

I seem to have thought about it, and the dragon stringed star has a bright color in an instant.

It is imperative to reveal the color of the cold, stare at the wine glasses in his hand, seems to think about it.

Hu Li followed and opened: "Zone, how much do you think they have this credibility?"

"90%." Yi Hui immediately replied.

"Then we can ..." Hu Li's words did not say, but looked at the eyes of the cold days.

Yi Han Tian looked faintly, slowly said: "This is not so simple."

Hu Li immediately didn't understand: "Is it, it already has the main contract?"

Easy cold sky: "It's hard to say."

The jade fox immediately said in the small voice: "Zone, according to me, the flowing star is worried about grabbing them with them? So I will pass the string, will you tell the truth?"

The words are deeply thought, and the color is condensed. "Shi Feng, what do you determine if the meteorite does not hide?"

"Hidden a fart? There is no, no, concealment?" Yan Shikui said that it is impatient, while smiling, "Is it not a Chinese cabbage? Don't say that there is no sacrifice, if there is any holy beast, Meteor Zong really got a group of sacred beasts, as well as Zijinlong, when the game, the first one to eliminate is your watershed. "

"You! Do you have this!" When you are bunch, you will sink, when you ask questions: "Shi Feng Wang! This is the way you like the star?"

The epic face keeps a smile: "The Lord of the Lord, in fact, the sunflower is always straight, don't mind, don't mind!"

The words are poetry, and they also appear dissatisfaction in the eyes. After all, he is obviously in maintenance of Sunau.

"Hey, straight cool? Not me said, the general family is a good behavior, if you are like Miss, I am afraid that this life is difficult to marry." Said this is the jade fox of the basin, and the eyes of Shi Shiki is full. Disdain.


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