After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2471 is hard, you always have me?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! just laughed, and then put down the toothpick of the teeth and slowly said: "You are really talking. Generally, everyone will not be as good as this lady, this lady is eating, not doing. It will not be yin yin, they can't compare with this lady. And said that the lady still doesn't want to marry, even if you really want to marry, why do you worry? It's hard, you always have me? "

"The owner is not you, hey!" The jade fox is ugly, and it is quite uncomfortable to watch the eyes of Xiakuni.

"Since it is not, the heart of the one you furtin?" Yan Shiqi immediately turned over to her eyes.

Surrounded by the surrounding laughter, "Yan Shiqi is really confident to himself."

"Is this self-love?"

"However, people say that people are also truth, not him, do people marry?"

Lu Yan looked at the eyes of the eyes, and he couldn't help but also look at it. "This woman, the sex is a good."

The second elders nodded, "Well, it seems that there is no external rumor, but only ..."

"No, she is also really colorful." Three elders immediately added.

Lu Yan said that there is no negation to her two, just a smile in his mouth.

Shi Nai took his belly, and then played a cough and raised his hand. "" Come on, Miss Husou. "

Next to it immediately, one of them, one person helped one hand, and he also helped him.

Yi Han Tian looked at the eyes, and then asked Shi Shi: "Shi Feng, I don't know the vision of last night, did not find out?"

Epic heard the words, suddenly smiled: "Not busy, the so-called large batch of Warcraft is almost because the thunder, it is a lot of Warcraft, and in fact, there is no Warcraft in the end, no one can see it. Only the ancient Zijinlong is true. "

"This ... how is it possible?" Some people didn't believe it.

"Thousands of true, since everyone can know the vastness of the flowers last night, then heard that there are four elders because they want to explore the situation, it is trapped into the array, but not only everything No found, I was seriously injured, I haven't woke up now. "Epic said, sigh.

Some people are somewhat disappointing, "said that the so-called holy beast is rumored?"

Shii smiled: "Who said? Zi Jinlong is really! However, it doesn't know if it is owner. Hahaha!"

The winner of the thousands of miles couldn't help but laugh, and then he laughed: "If you want, you can become the owner of the ancient Zijinlong, the other strength must be a goddess. We are afraid that there is no reason."

"Well, your old man is also sensible, unlike some people, there are a few pounds, the little ninety-nine don't think that others don't know." When Shi Xiaon spoke, the eyes referred to Bally.

In fact, even if you don't look at him, others know who she said.

Some people are also the same, this idea is, which is not hidden.

Cedar suddenly smiled and slowly said: "Is this a praise?"

"It can also be so understanding, haha! Anyway, you are much more self-righteous guy." Sikiki said.

The snow cities exposed a smile. I couldn't help but I nodded. I agree with yourself, "I was originally."

The words are angry when they are angry: "You ..."

"Cut! I didn't say you, what did you admit enough?" Yan Xiaon said, he walked out, he said with others, "Zhong Nai has already taken enough, suddenly somewhat smuggling, just go back first Sleep. "


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