After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2498 will not shout the snow ''

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Lu Ziyan saw Lu Ziyue looked at the front of his hair, patted her shoulders, "Sister? What do you see? How do you still stand?"

I heard the voice of Lu Ziyan, Lu Ziyue recovered the line of sight and went back to God: "Okay, I will go."

"Hey! Sister, the sister will cheer for you! You have to cheer!" Lu Ziyan smiled brightly, looked at Lu Ziyue.

Lu Ziyue suddenly smiled: "Good!"

Some people who see it can't help but be happy. "The purple moon sister laughed, laughing is really beautiful!"

"Yes! Yes! Our first beauty of our spirits is of course good."

The footsteps of Liheng walked out, looked at the Eye Yue Yue, I would like to say something, I still didn't open it, I went towards the ring.

On the side of the Liu Chengjun, the eyes, the eyes of the dark, and the Yun Wei is holding hands with the month, but when he heard someone praising the purple moon, he turned over.

At this point, I can't help but accidentally, the first beauty of Lingzong?

Similarly, there is also Murongfishue, when you see her face, they have a stunning light.

But turning around, a knife is hate: the dead Hu Jin! Lingzong's land purple moon talents follow the color Murong Fei Xue also excellent, did not give her to find it?

She still has been abolished for a long time to restore the appearance, and now the repair can only be used for barely.

At this moment, sit in the direction of the VIT, in the big black robe, the man wearing a black semi-mask mask on his face, who was originally talking to the side, suddenly: "Ha! Ha ... !"

Hu Li face around him stayed, and the pain looked up his hand slowly wiped a face, and his hand was sticky.

"Big ... big brother, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?"

Hu Li, who was sprayed, was not immediately cleaned, but carried out the other party.

Hu Jin has some natural gentle nose, and then said: "Nothing, the privilege is not very comfortable in these days, I serve the medicine."

"Okay, you must take care of yourself." Hu Li carried the heart, turned again: "Big Brother, you haven't said how you will follow the snow of the snow ..."

"To shut up!"

If he finishes it, Hu Jin has immediately saved, so that Hu Li is not banned.

It is the four elders who are sitting next to them, and they can't help but look at them.

Hu Li is somewhat not to understand: "Big Brother? The younger brother just said wrong?"

"If you don't want to shout the snow '', if you hear that you don't respect her, you will not be polite." Hu Jin said that the cold eyes looked at Hu Jin, and also glanced.

This situation allows the other side to sit on the old man, with the second elders, and the two people can't help but accident.

I didn't expect to refine the age of medicine, Hu Jin, will you value Murong Snow?

Huan Li did not know what happened, but still nodded: "Yes, the big brother said, my brother remembered."

Hu Jin saw this, once again look at the direction of the ring.

He didn't know that he had already been locked by another person.

It is also the same as the jealous dust to sit in the VIP ...


Under the ring, there is a group of people who have stood a lot of people, and as a host of each Zongmen, it has now been standing on the platform.

Epic will open a sealed special stone box, followed by: "You, pumping into the same number of martial arts, then in the same platform, there are five places in the scene, after statistics, this participation is a total of ten Five, so there will be three gap meniscus on each platform until all the gaps leave ten people. "

"Okay, now start to draw."


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