After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2499 I don't know where the snow is guilty and you?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! People under the lifting platform, also take advantage of this time to observe people who will become their opponents.

The moon is far from the Yun Wei, and there are several times, and there is no more people who want to play, but they are not idle, but they look at a team of people who stand on one side next to them. These people The clothes are more special, and one by one is like a helmet dress that is a soldier. Everyone's face is also applied.

Longfei night looked at these people, still could not smile, whispered: "Who are they all? What is this face?"

Moon White Can't help but surprise, "I have never seen such a sect before, I have never heard of it, is it difficult to establish what for recent years?"

"Or is there anything!" Month said.

At this time, next to it suddenly came to a female voice, "Clean, if you have met, I hope to see a copy of each other, you can write it in your hand."

They can't help but accidentally, the woman whose speech is not Liu Chengjun, is it Murong Feiyue?

Yun Yun's eyebrows, looked at the eyes, "Not familiar."

The cold-cold words have completely showed their attitude, and they directly recovered their attention.

Murongfisho smiles on the face, but soon recover smiling face.

The moon saw Murongfishue, and it has been able to recover the eyes and then returned.

The disciple of Lingzong saw this, some people couldn't help but show a smile.

Because it is a late step, you can only stand from Liu Chengjun, you have always looked at this.

Paying for Yu Yu Queu: "Miss, the woman of the fairy, even for the dust!"

Liu Chengjun is said: "Don't talk, look at it."

Paying for the rain, I have to shut up, but I'm looking forward, Murong Fei Xue's eyes are not very good, and I will look at it.

"Clean, what is your attitude?" Yin Jun immediately said to Yun Yuyi,

Yun Yuyi goddess with a contemptuous Yin Jun, faint: "Of course, it is an attitude towards the enemy."

The moon is also the same.

Lingzong's disciples suddenly laughed, and then agreed: "Just! The game is the game!"

"Want our master to be in love? Come beautiful!"

Murong Fei Shu suddenly looked at Yun Yu, "Clean, you and I have not been holiday, I don't know where to fly, where is it?"

Longfei night looked at it, and laughed, "Hey? The first beauty of Xianzong, when we smashed the side of our little, said such a thing, not very good!"

Murongfei Xueyou is moving, and then looks at the moon from the coldness of the cold, light: "Clean is his heart? Why didn't I heard it?"

"You didn't hear it?" Moon white expression seems to be a little accident, and then nodded again: "You just arrived at the meteorism, I can understand it."

Longfei night smile deeply: "I heard that you have encountered a robber? It seems that Miss Murong is also a new net, these days have not heard Miss Miss Miss, until Today, I rushed to the appearance, I would like to have a hair? So you can understand that you will not know how to keep the moon. "


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