After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2581 This woman is very busy ...

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The Dragon Stringent Eye is staring at Mikai. At this moment, there is an unexpected color, and there is also anger, the fist under the sleeve is tight.

"I even even but also ..."

"Strine star, what do you say? What is it?" Ye Liangchen sitting on the side disquest.

The Dragon String Star suddenly fell to the look, calmly: "Nothing, just is very surprised, the Shi Nai teacher has always hidden the cultivation of everyone."

"Yeah! It is very surprised." Ye Liangchen was quite emotional.

In the face of Qi Xiaoni, Qi Tianlei actually didn't know how to refute.

See this, Zhao Ling went to the channel: "Xiaonu teacher, you are clearly a strong word, you can see that you can see the trial, you have a good relationship, this is nothing to do? This harsh behavior should be canceled. Detacious qualification! "

When you come out, people around you have been in a hurranty. The color of the basin is straightforward. "I didn't listen to it? I didn't listen to it? I didn't listen to the back leg of my own people at this time?"

A man next to him, "I have a lot of emotions:" The strange things have a lot of this year. There is a lot of dust is the fiance in the sanctuary of the sorghum, but I have a personal life with my sister. Miss Mo Jia, actually buried in Dragon Master for two days, and he was together with his own brother. "

The words were tonized, looked at the on the platform, once again: "Now there is a meteoriber to himself."

"Weird ... weird ..."

That person said, people around you think that it is true that it is true.

At this moment, Shi Shii looked at Qi Tianlei. He smiled with Zhaoling, and he was full of color, "It turned out ..."

Liu Chengjun floated a color of a cold, "Sure enough, this woman is very uncommon ..."

"Miss doesn't have to worry, even if she has some strength, what is it? She is not your opponent." "Fu Xinyu to see the eyes of Shi Yanyu is still disdain."

However, Liu Chengjun is not happy, the more staring at the Xiaoxi, I don't know why, I am inexplicable.

This kind of uneasiness, she can't say why she is ...

Zhao Ling moved a big step forward, then looked at Yan Kaiki Road, then he was very straightforward. ! "

Qi Tianlei also attached: "Yes, we will continue to play! If you insist, we will abandon it!"

Zhao Ling glanced at several eyes on the eyes, and they still hesitated, suddenly the release.

Li Jiimei was holding, it seems to be a little nervous, but he said loudly: "Object! We also think that you do not match the meteor play!"

Then, several other people have echoed, such a situation, and some of the disciples of some of the stars are not affected.

"How could this be?"

"I don't know ... Ten have nearly half said that we want to abandon, then how do we win?"

In this way, the disciples of the flowing star can't help but feel worried.

Dragon Strings is not expressing, and there is no talk, anyway, he can't abandon the game.

Ye Liangchen is very surprised, and it is unclear what they think.

Immediately moved to Zhao Ling: "Lingqiao, not to make trouble, not a child, can you be so embarrassment?"


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