After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2582, your brain into the water?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Zhao Ling directly replied: "I didn't want to do anything, but I don't want a person who can catch her hand to her disciples."

His words, many people think of a person in the first time, then look at the direction of Xianzong.

The supervision of the supervisor is always looking to the epic, and his eyes have a help mean.

Yuqing's eyes shine, did not be angry, but feel unexpected, "Hey? Even threatening this trick is used?"

The epic bruises, the mouth is slightly hooked, and the tone is flourishing. "It seems that the old people can't wait ... I can only use this poor method."

When I heard this, Yu Qing suddenly revealed helplessly: "I thought that today's ability to end the game, I didn't expect to lying down, I won't worry, I still want to make a way to make a demon." Say this, Can't help but sigh, "Hey ... It's hard to have a few."

Some Zongmen's sectors, the old, at this moment, the same point of view of epic. I want to know what he will do.

However, the epic has not yet opened, and Yan Xiaomi went straight to those people. "Say enough? You are not annoying? Talking about this is competitive! The injury is inevitable, the injury is inevitably ? Also use the discard to threaten me to fight? Do you have a brain into the water? "

"Al don't say that I am not deliberate, even if it is deliberate, what is it? As long as you don't shout, I want to be! Anyway, I don't miss it! Draw a threat of the game? You really say that you said. Calculate? What is your saying? More than the ratio, no better? Now, immediately roll out the paramount !! "


The disciples of those who have just been directly banned.

Someone suddenly died in the heart: This is really the first color of the meteor, Yizhenki? Will it be fake?

Dragon Strings can not help but realize a question: Do you really understand her?

Zhao Ling was vigorously swallowed by Yan Xiaoni, and he was aware of the sake of the mouth. Looking at the nervousness of Xiakuni actually said.

Qi Tianlei has been in the scene, and I can't find a language to go back and forth.

Liu Chengjun is also quite unexpected, "I really didn't see it."

Just at this time, the applause sounded.

Hey. Hey ...

Everyone looked at it. It turned out to be an applause, and his mouth came with a smile. The color was appreciated: such a person's woman, indeed special, especially let her like it.

The moon white face is also exposed, "very good."

Next to Yun Yu suddenly took a sentence, "she is with you, it is quite."

The monthly ink white mouth suddenly smoked, and immediately replied: "Don't make trouble."

The moon is smiling: "Well, it is right."

Qi Tianlei kept a few faces with Zhaoling, and Zhao Ling moved to: "This is the internal thing of the meteorism, and it is nothing to do with you."

The moon is slightly pulled, and the tone is crazy: "Several people who have honored the play of the game, what qualifications claim to be a meteor? Do you think you have a face now? He ..."

Zhaoling's face suddenly sink, "you ..."

After his words, he swallowed directly. He didn't dare to say a word again, and it was shocked by the cold eyes of the opposite Yun Yu.

Shiqi also asked Shi Shi: "Excuse me, these guys have just said, what do you think?"

The epic is cold, looks at Zhao Ling and Qi Tianlei, and then slowly open the mouth: "Which one is you selected?"

"Back ..." Qi Tian Lei is ready to open, suddenly caught again ... This problem is not right? "


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