Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Not only is Qi Tianlei feel so much, that is, everyone thinks so.

The sudden sucking on the face of Yichiki, also gave the epic directly, "said it is too good."

Qi Tianlei immediately asked again: "The main owner, this question is clear, no choice!"

The epic is cold, watching them, the sound is slightly cold: "How is it no choice? You don't want to abandon? Yes! Then I will leave the door is good, or I have been directly exuberant."

Qi Tianlei's face is not good, this means that this means clearly, no matter how choice will be driven out!

Zhao Ling is very good, but the mind is turned, but it is calm: "Zone, we are also thinking about Zongmen, and our Master will not agree with you."

He said that Yu Qing can't help but laugh, "It's really unambiguous, and I don't know how the old unsatisfied usually teach."

The coldness in the epicity of the epic has a little more deep, and suddenly, I'm smiling. "So, you are a few Master, who is this arrogant? For what you want?"

Zhao Ling suddenly stunned, and quickly said: "No, the primary words are heavy, we don't mean that."

He said, his eyes also looked at the outside of the outside, and it seems to be all waiting.

The paramenies next to it are also a bit weird. "Which time is it now? This is better than the trial, how can I change this now?"

The river basin is not a smile: "It seems that the host of the host of Shi Feng is not very stable."

Some of the people around him also saw the problem, but they didn't speak, after all, this is something inside the people.

I saw a few times from the cold line of light, I couldn't help but accidentally, the surface of the meteorzan is seemingly calm, and the actual situation is still too sharp.

And the meteorism is not a spiritual, there is an old master town, but is directly transmitted by the primary, and the elderly manage the Zongmen.


"Let's go! ! Hello, big courage, who gives you the right, nothing to do!"

This drunk, also let everyone look at the people.

The people are the three old ages of the meteorns, but they are not coming, but they are lifted by others.

"? What is this?"

"How many long ages of the meteorizens are hurt? Is it going to carry?"

There is also humanity: "I heard that last night is the elder of these flowers, because of the vastness of the mountain, then was hurt by the ancient sacred beasts, and later trapped there, almost dead Inside! "

The words of this person came out, those who didn't know, were surprised.

Zhaoling watched a few people who saw people, like to find organizational, immediately excited, and there was a bottom gas.

"The apprentices have seen Master!"

"The disciples met several old age."

Shiqi is directly changing the eyes of them, and there is no meaning to be greeted.

And the epic looks at a few people, but there is no accident, Yu Qing is just an eyebrows, saying faintly: "It seems that there are several lying lying."

"What is it? Anyway, it is destined to end everything today, it will be better soon ..." The epic mouth hiking, including a scorpion, looking at the long and old, Lu Meng.

Inside the disciples of the flowing star, some of the opportunities, obviously feel that the current situation is wrong.


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