Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Chengjun once again wants to stop, if it is not because the body is close to the exhaus, it will now be pulled.

Can you do it, I will ask you a few words. I asked if I didn't have a secret. After I finished, I was dead. "

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, this atmosphere is strange, and Xiakuni can still ask the other party asking the other party, and I have been curious, what is she wants?

The ominous parents in the heart of Liu Chengjun are strong, and again want to stop .

The month is nearing Yun Yun, what is lowered.

Yun Yu was immediately interested in it, and his eyes gave birth to Liu Chengjun, and he scored a cold light.

"..." Liu Chengjun only grabbed the hand of the rain, and the excitement of excitement efforts wanted to open.

However, it is here to find how to work hard, her mouth is blended with glue.

"The Sanctuary is dominated." Sun Kai is open, and there is a touch of tone, and some will ask: "The younger generation heard the lady who came to you, excellent feelings, he was intelligent, and the daughter who was lively and sensible, right? "

Unexpectedly, Sun Kai will ask this, Liu Heng coldly replied: "This matter is not aware, this is the daughter of the wife is Jun, what is the purpose of this question?"

"Of course, there is, but you don't worry, you will know it quickly." Yan Xiaomi smiled in a faint smile.

Liu Heng looked at Yishui with a face, "What should you say?"

At this moment, Liu Chengjun is already dead, she suspects that she is controlled, otherwise it will not be moved with the body. It is also only limited to the position of the palm, and the efforts to pay for the rain are also more powerful.

Unexplained, it's hard to bite, but I didn't dare to make a sound. I immediately glanced to Liu Chengjun. I saw the eyes of Xiaomi, I didn't understand: Miss: Miss you want to do it straight to you what! What do you do so tight?

Liu Chengjun's eyes are just hi , this moment can not turn it, and you will know the hint of paying my heart.

Xi Xiaon saw the expression of Liu Chengjun, and suddenly laughed. "How? Are you very anxious now? It is very angry? Why do you do it? Want to bite me? Come! Some here to bite me! Anyway, you are also The animals, the words, are not surprising. "

This will let Liu Cheng Jun suddenly angry and angry, Liu Heng also angry, "Enough! ! You don't know, this is tolerance? Do you want to find it?"

"Yun!" , Good? "

"First, let your wife die in the dead, then? Refers to the wolf into the room, let your daughter will suffer, then I will suffer, then I will take a beast as a baby, you still have Really let me see it. "

When Shi Shiki's words, the people around them felt a mist, while the expression was shocked, and he also looked to Liu Heng.


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