Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Heng brow is locked, watching the eyes of Xiakuni is full of anger, and there is also a jealousy.

Lin Yuan looked at her, directly opening: "Bold! What is you saying? Do you live well in our temple!"

"This ... didn't make a mistake?"

"Just! Is there a daughter in the sanctuary, we don't know?"

"It seems that I haven't heard it?"

At the same time, the people below are surprised, and it is a variety of discussion, as well as guess.

Liu Chengjun's eyes were frightened and nervous, and it was no longer an angry that was just now, but fear.

"What do you mean by you?" Liu Hei asked first, don't know why, the other party said that it is impossible to listen to it.

Your daughter is by myself, but he can't help but ask.

Epic has turned over a white eye, "It's really a dead heart, you are really false, you can't even you have a fake! You say what you like? If you look good than me?"

The moon is pulling down, the original, epic and Liu Heng is an enemy? No wonder ...

But I still can't help but remind the sound, "Shi Shizong, are you running?"

Shi Shi immediately concealed his own embarrassment, looked at Liu Heng that was shocked, once again: "You have been so many years, don't you doubt your so-called 'Juner' is a fake?"

Not only is Liu Heng reaction and shocked, but the other people in the sanctuary, others have all the people present, all surprised.

The idea of ​​the consciousness of Fu Xinjiang supported himself, and the eyes were also surprised.

The expression is not the same as they, only Liu Chengjun, she is full of panic, and I want to shook his head and deny it, I want to talk to myself.

But ... all don't do it, her is indeed controlled, no one knows anyone ...

After Liu Heng, he immediately went to underage: "What are you talking about? You are lie to me! Hu said! How can you don't know if this is your own woman?"

"Oh! You know you don't believe it." Epic's hands, the face is completely your love.

When Shi Shii suddenly laughed: "Uncle, I said, he won't be so easy to believe that others said."

"Don't say that if it is a daughter of someone, I ran to tell him, she only slept his biological daughter, and his current daughter is someone else, this is not more outrageous?"

I didn't help but laughed again. "Hey, how do you say that my mother looks at the beginning?"

When I heard this, epic shrugged: "This will ask your mother."

One of these two people sang one, and the people around them once again, and some people found that "Xiaoni teacher shouted the master uncle? Isn't a cousin?"

" ... Yes!"

Liu Hei listens, there is a kind of idea that I can't think about it, but it is increasingly strong, but I still feel incredible, I will see Liu Chengjun again, and then I will see Xiao Kai.

It seems that I am trying to convince yourself: impossible ... Will n't, how can this possible ...

Longfei night does not know what is ignorant between Qi Xiaoni and Liu Chengjun, but he listens to her, talking to epic, instantly understand.

Looking at Liu Cheng Jun, I was laughing when I was turning, "I turned out, is it a counterfeit goods?"

The moon is almost the same, and the line of sight will teach Lu Jun, and the Tao: "Listen to what she has to say."


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