Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In the month, the Yun Hao was withdrawn to the control of Liu Chengjun.

Liu Chengjun also suddenly felt that his body was relaxed, as if he was back, "no ..." can you talk?

Paying for Yu Yu and will be relieved together. If you catch it again, her hand must be abolished.

Liu Cheng Junqian's symptom rigned: "You said! Hey, they simply have no born, and the daughter has left the sanctuary from the beginning to the end, and the people around them can testify that the people can not testify. How can I not Your daughter? "

"Say I am fake, what do you live in?" Say this, Liu Chengjun showed a cold smile, look at the Xiakuni, "Listen to what you mean, you really died? And I am fake What do you mean by talking to the uncle of Shi Shi? Do you want to say, are you really? "

"Hahaha! You ask everyone, who will believe it?"

Lin Yuan suspected eyes looked at Sun Ni, when he accused: "You are all ignorant, it is already spent, now I still say that I am really true? How is it? Which is like we are dominated? Like our lady! "

Liu Heng has been silent for some time, just look at the .

: "I have to say that I am really? I haven't said that I am really Liu Chengjun, I admit that my mother is Cheng Yizhen, what is it? Does not exist, who is going to take it? The lady is not rare, but my mother is mine! A animal counterfeit goods also want to have a name of my mother? I am! "

Liu Chengjun's face is more difficult, in fact, it is a shock and incredible. She said that she is really Liu Chengjun? How can this be? It is impossible!

" , my mother's name is also you can call? Do you pretend to be my heart? You must be the idea of ​​holy area. Hey! Don't you do it? Do you believe she said?"

Liu Heng stared at the Sun Kaiki, the cold voice said: "Who sent you?"

Epic is anxious! I didn't expect Liu Zheng, but I believe that Liu Chengjun's words?

"You this big fool! You haven't had a good medicine! I told you that your born daughter has been very disappointed with you, she is not willing to admit you, don't say that I don't help you!"

"You shut up!" Liu Heng is swept away at him. In fact, Liu Heng is very panicked. He is afraid that he really has made a mistake, but I want to figure out if it is really getting ...

Suppose your current daughter, really fake, then in the past 12 years, I didn't find it? Then he is too used too ...

I don't believe in the eyes of Shangchi Kaiki, I don't know if I don't believe it.

"I don't want to be with you, I just want to prove that she is not Liu Cheng Jun, everything she does is nothing to do with Liu Chengjun. Don't want to tarnish my mother's reputation, my mother can be born. You are a woman! "

Liu Heng's eyes, she has evidence?

Liu Chengjun was yet, that is angry! Suddenly wants to export, "you ..."

"You shut up!" Yan Shiqi once again blocked her, there was a bell in his hand, and immediately looked out, looked at Liu Heng Road: "Is this also aware?"

Liu Heng eyes suddenly opened, "A red gold bell?"

"What? A red golden bell?"

The moment from the direction of the fairy disciple seating area, the excitement of Murongfishi, and the sound from Huang Shiming from the ink.


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