After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2642 Your eyes are long as white

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "What are you still deceived?" Yan Shiki looked at her, ridiculed: "Liu Yu, want to see you really look?"

Liu Chengjun immediately shook his head, and strive to yell. "No! I am Liu Chengjun! I am a holy area !!"

"I am!" The mirror in the hand of Xia Kai is immediately taken away.

Liu Cheng Jun did not look at the look in the mirror. This look, the moment is shocked, "No! This is not me! I don't know how long this!"

The moon will lose the face of Liu Chengjun, and the eyes are slightly confused ... How do she feel that this person seems to have?


"She is alive now?"

Liu Heng looked at Liu Yan, and the heart was really impacted. "I have never found out? I am really blind eye !! It's really jealous !!"

Epic took nodded and said it was very much. "Well, can n't it be? Your eyes are long as white, it is given."

At this moment, Liu Yizheng is awkward, and it is even more angry to Liu Chengjun!

Liu Cheng Jun rushed to Liu Heng, holding his legs, crying: "Not this,! I am Jun, I am your daughter! It is a poison that she gave me, I am you Daughter! "

"Rolling !!" Liu Heng directly lifted her, and the eyes were separated by the chill of the people. Jun? "

"You hurt my daughter's murderer! This seat will be smashed now!"

Liu Heng said that the spirit of his hand has been ready to go, and it is necessary to do it. Liu Chengjun is horror to watch him, "No !!"

"Slow." ..

Liu Heng is busy, look at her, seeing her eyes, it has become loving, it is already embarrassed, "Jun Bai ..."

suddenly shakes, and some horrible lingering, "Don't, don't call this name, I listen to disgusting."

When Liu Hengton, he responded and immediately changed his mouth: "Small Kwat, is a ..."

"No, big master, big, small women don't have the blessing to climb the relationship with you, don't dare to slaught with your holy area, you still let me go!"

can alienate, let Liu Heng are more sad, watching her inner embarrassment.

"Hey, I am your daughter ..." Liu Chengjun did not give up now, still shouting him.

Liu Heng's face is more ugly, and Yan Shiki is cold and looks to Liu Chengjun: "Don't shout, I will be a meal, as long as you are not afraid."

Liu Chengjun immediately smiled: "Do you think this holy woman is scared?"

"Hey! This look, it's very like a man?" Yite a little smile, there was a dagger in his hand, shaking, the cold and shiny, which let Liu Chengjun look at it.

Liu Chengjun is said: "What do you want to do?"

"What to do? Of course, I have to teeth with my teeth." The little smile smiled in a faint smile, and the corner of his mouth evoked a trace of evil.

Liu Chengjun looks more people, the fear in the heart is also more fear, "Don't come over!"

"What are you doing? I am a true holy woman! Have you want to rebel?"

The red art listened to the white eyes, "I really don't want my face, I'm going to go, and I still say that I am a saint?"


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