Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! , go to her side, I originally wanted to kneel, but this paragraph, suddenly found a problem.

She can't get on!

The forehead black line suddenly slid down, "............"

It's been depressed, holding a dagger in your hand, staring at Liu Chengjun.

Liu Cheng Jun is busy calling: "Don't come over! You can hurt me!"

"Hey ... hahaha!" suddenly laughed, can not hurt her?

"Your brain is not bad? I can't hurt? You can kill me, I also collapsed you?" Yan Shikui watched her.

Liu Heng's cold eyes looked at her, and he had been strong to worrying that Qi Kaiki would be angry, and did not rush directly to her life.

Kaiki is not turning, directly asked: "I can't understand why, why do you can kill me? Is it simple to marry me? So I want to make it?"

"I don't understand what you said." Liu Cheng Jun quickly bowed his head denied.

Shiki is a brids: "Is it? Don't understand? Are you sure?"

Liu Chengjun does not speak, Yizhen Kun is turned, look at one, "put things up!"

Everyone suddenly strange, lifted to the West? What will it be?

I saw this time, two people, the man in a styles of gray clothes, carrying a confession with a cell in a cell.

Liu Chengjun is overchair, "What do you want to do again?"

"What to do? Of course, please ask you to sit!" Kaiki laughs

After the chair is lifted, everyone guess the next, this chair is not a general chair, in addition to the handle and foot of the iron ring buckle, the place where there is still sitting, there is still a nail board!

The backrest is also full of spikes, flashed.

Longfei night has to admire, "I can think of this way of getting the law, really can't afford!"

"How? Can you like?" Yan Shikai laughed to show the will of the horror of the gods.

Liu Cheng Jun is not good, and immediately exclaimed: "No !! You can't be so!"

: "Who can't? Who do you think? Remember! This lady is coming back to find you!" Turned to the two hand: "Please sit up."

The people around you looked at the eyelids jumped.

Liu Chengjun was forcibly grabbed from the ground, and it was awkward to the chair.

Liu Chengjun struggled, constantly rebellious, even if you want to use spiritual power, you can't do it, she feels that the spiritual power in her body doesn't have a point.

This makes her panic, and I can't think about it. I can't think more. I can only shout: "Don't! Don't! Can you do this! Hey! Save me! Hey! You let go! I am a holy St. ... ah !!! "

Liu Chengjun did not speak, instantly issued a sharp scream.

Some people around some people have the ear, and some people can't help but shake, and they are busy touching their own chairs.

Yu Xiaolong's face is very good, "Good ... good pain looks like?"

Yan Directlessly smiled: "Fit! So long nails below. Later, it is also a spike, you also hurt you!"

Liu Chengjun is instantly sweating, and the five senses are squeezed to a place. I hurt my teeth, I suddenly looked at Sun aki, hated: " ... Small ... Kwai!"

Kaiki picks up the eyebrows, faint: "Well, I am here! Don't be so painful, it seems that I abuse you."

When he suddenly took a mouthful of mouth, would you not abuse?


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