Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At the same time, I woke up two people by Liu Chengjun, one is the previously been forgotten to hit the Junfan, one is a Liu Fang, who is being sacred by Shekiki.

Jun Yinfan listened to the familiar voice, at the same time, the eyebrows were slightly, and the eyes were suddenly opened.

"Sister, is it a teacher?"

See him waking up, he is looking at his two sanctuary disciples suddenly don't know how to explain.

When Shi Shiqi, I can't use it. I swayed my dagger and asked: "How do you do it, become mine, can you become mine?"

Liu Cheng Jun suddenly taught a little: "I ... is really Liu Chengjun! You ... I want to think ... I am ..."

"It seems that this pain is still not enough." The dagger in the hands of Xia Kaiki immediately closed.

"What are you doing!" Jun Yinfan rushed up, watching the dagger in the hands of the ...........

When you hear people talking, Liu Cheng Jun is like seeing the savior, and quickly shout, "Dish! Brother, brother, save me!"

Really a teacher!

Jun Yinfan is not as good as other, rushed directly. However, he ignored the Liu Heng next to him and his hand.

Liu Heng's face is sinking, directly raising his hand, "I will take it!"

"Yes!" The few hands, immediately jumped out of two will live Jun Yinfan to control.

At this time, Jun Yinfan noticed that Liu Heng standing on the side of the ring, suddenly surprised, but I didn't understand, "the big master! What is this? Yan Shii wants to have a teacher, why do you stop Yin Fan?"

Longfei night with the moon white, watching this man, can not help but shook his head, and at the same time: "Fool."

"Isn't it?" agreed with a point.

Liu Heng's eyes looked at him with a temper.

When I heard this, Jun Yinfan's expression was shocked. "How is this ...?"

Just woke up Liu Fang, heard this, his face suddenly changed, and immediately sat up and looked at the first quarter.

See Liu Heng, Qi Tianlei is the most happy, can't help but surprise: "Fang Fang, you finally woke up?"

Liu Fang's face is a little unnatural smile, thank him, thank you: "Thank you for your teacher."

"What is going on? How do you all in the Sibiu teacher? Also ... Who is it?" Liu Fang asked.

Qi Tianlei heard her asked, she couldn't help but sigh, and then began to say it simply.

On the ring, Liu Chengjun constantly cried, saying that he is true, and wait for Jun Yinfan to see her real appearance, "you ... are you a quadruple?"

"No, I am not! I am not ... ah!" Liu Chengjun is too excited, the strength of the hips is heavy, and the contact with the nail board is intimate, and the face distorted face distortion did not say anything.

Jun Yinfan is very difficult to confuse, and then look to Xiakuni, feel can't understand, "Are you a real teacher? You ... How do you be ..." Really? "

"Is it very disappointed?" , "My looks let you down? No good teacher is good? No her style?!"

Jun Yinfan has a little unnatural, and there is some panic in his heart. I asked in the test: "What do you mean? I ... I don't understand?"


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