Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Everyone is a surprise, and some people are busy: "How can the murderer be there?"

"What is asked? Go see if you don't know?" Liu Heng has never done it, watching them shocked, and later. Asked again for a while, I can't help but bother them.

This will talk, tone is not good. Especially for a long time, I didn't see my daughter came out and couldn't help but bother.

The moon was taken away by Yun Yu, forgot the worry, did not interfere, and quickly rushed to the small court.

Others will no longer delay, and they have kept keep up.

"Epic, you first wait." Liu Hei called epic and looked suspicious.

"Where is the Wantai? Do you know?"

Epic returns, the same suspicion, "You are her pro? You don't know, how do I know?"

Standing behind the epic, he heard the mouth of this mouth suddenly smoked, secretly glaring his face.

Sure enough, it is black ...

Liu Heng is obliged to have a poem. Depressed: "You are aware of the consultant? Are you deliberately poked the pain? If I know, still ask you?"

The epic laughed, seeing him, the heart is full of cool.

"Active! However, the sunflower is really uncertain, I only know, it seems to be a secret thing." Epic said, picking the eyebrow, and said: "Oh! Yes, there is also a piece thing."

Liu Hei looked at him, "What?"

"After a while, I will take the sunflower and return to the place where she should go. I just inform you." The epic said that it was like a person who was fine, he turned and left.

He heard the news of Liu Heng, but he stayed until he reacted, immediately shouting the poetry of the history: "What did you say? You have to take a small airy? How? You give Laozi clear!"

"You don't understand?" The epic calmly replied.

He is a fogwater with the Wuyuan around Liu Hei, and it seems that the big master is in a hurry. It seems that it is very simple.

Liu Heng is very anxious, and it is very angry. It quickly captures his poem. If you want to roar, you can come from the previous campus, from the previous campus.

When Shi Shi suddenly accelerated the courtyard, Liu Heng also temporarily did not have time to talk to epic, and then quickly followed.

Just now the courtyard of the murderous murder case, I stood some people again. In addition to a bunch of corpses on the ground, there was a man who kept roaring roll on the ground.

In the crowd, some people talked: "I won't think of it, how can it be him?"

"Yeah! Know people know that Yang Jian is hidden to make a brutal behavior."

Everyone says that I said, but I didn't want to pass, one thing, why did Yang Jian killed a river?

On the side of the other side, fall in the ground, be bun, face the face, and the soul is unyielded.

"Don't you say it?" Said the cooling tone of the moon.

The other party is only screaming and refused to say a word.

Yun Wei looked at Yang Jian, and suddenly called: "Mo Wei, buckled him with the things of the bones, and then got to ask slowly."

When the ink is immediately made, I have a one in front of the hand, and there is something like a dog chain, and then it is on Yang Jian's neck.


When Yang Jian, did not move, and the gods were returned.

The people around him also looked strange, but Mo Yi has gone directly to Yang Jian.

"Where are you going to take him?" Gradually calm down, immediately stopped.


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