After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2858 This is the smell?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Moh is unreasonable, still makes people disappear quickly.

This makes the words only have to shout, "Yun Prince! What do you mean? Do you want to take the murderer?"

Yun Wei looked at the eyes and kerattures: "ask."

"He is the enemy of the basin, and everything I also have the right to know, how can you take away!" Said words.

This means that I don't agree to take people to take the question, but Yun Yun will listen to him, and if they still doubt that Yang Jian's scene, the silver is all the way, the less people know the better. .

"He is the enemy of your watershed, but it is also the enemy of my phoenix. If you have this uniform, he naturally, you can do it.

The moon said directly. When he looks at him, although it is still a touch of expression, it is obvious that you have the ability to come!

At this time, Yang Jian is also nothing to say, and others secretly laugh.

Although some people are curious, they did not dare to say.

This will be said in this month, they will not say it even more.

I looked around the people, the month said: "Everyone, this event will tell you after changing Yang Jian, and now everyone will see it, the murder is really fierce, then we will no longer Stay. "

I turned, here turned and talking to epic, "Uncle Shi, I will give you here."

Epic is busy nod, "Ok, you will go busy first."

At the small court, they went straight to the courtyard.

Just in the small courtyard that Yunyi lives, one is already in progress. There are also many people outside, and a group of people standing in the small courtyard, watching the screams from time to time, and the eyes are curious.

This time is coming back from them, and a group of people will come back, "the owner came back."

"Well, during this period, can you have a heterogeneous?" The month will look at the end of the eye, and the line of sight is a tragic room.

Yun Yun's scorpion flashed, and I know that ink is already ink.

Ningrong quickly went to the month, "" Back to the master, it is true, but the other party has not appeared, it seems that we have never thought that we are strictly following the small court. "

As soon as this, the month has changed from a few times.

"Can you see the other party?" The month asked immediately.

They also shook their heads at the same time, Ningrong somewhat regrettable: "The man seems to just test, we want to catch it, but still give him."

The month will be paid to Yun Wei, and Yun Yu said directly: "Let's take a look at Yang Jian."

"Okay." The month is off, and the Ningong they said: "The hospital is still going to be strict, don't let any doubts."

In the house, they saw Yang Jian, who saw the upper body red strip, trapped on the column in the house.

Just, let the moon are the mouth of the mouth, and Yang Jian's upper body is all whipping. Some water beads are low, and the water beads are not sweat, not clean water, from the pungent smeared from the air in the house I heard it, it is the pepper water she is familiar!

"Amount ..." Longfei Night just want to ask what the pungent smell is what, the nose suddenly itchy, "Ha ... Ha!"

This weird taste is also allowed to keep worrying and dress still have monthly ink white, and there is no control, followed by continuous sneeze.

It can see the loss of , , Like unexpected eyes, look at them.

"What is this smell?" Longfei night is very disliked.


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