After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2869 is a tire? Is it a tire?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Yuyi flashed, and the face was slightly condensed.

Just alongside the next time, I also followed the emotional mobilization, focus on the face of the shake, and pay attention to he wants.

"I also participated in that battle, there is a living, and the king of the emperor, he should know more clearly, I just listen to the elderly in the organization, but the real person Did not appear, many people think that he is actually dead. "

"Just, I suspect that he may still be alive, after all, it can follow the people around the emperor, it is very strong, and finally live, will not be so easy to die?" Panya said, while observing Yun Hao The facial expression of the face.

He is also worried, if he doesn't believe it, he still has to disappear.

Mo Wei wants to be Yun Yu, "the master?"

Yun Yuyu took a moment, the thin lip is light, and the sentence is faint, "What is he called?"

"Cell ... What is it? It seems to be, called Changjun, listening to the old, it is called him." Panyu

At this time, he waited quietly to listen to the dusty dust, suddenly asked, "Who is it now?"

Panyu: ", the future of the emperor."

"The future of the emperor?" Longfei night couldn't help but appear unexpectedly. "I haven't thought that this emperor may be willing, I didn't expect it to have the future."

It has been said that this, Longfei night can't help but feel a slightly cool, look at it, the feeling of feeling disappeared.

"Well? Is my illusion?"

Yun Wei faintly, please raise your hand, "Go on the road!"

"Is it going to take a tire? Is it a tire?" Panyu asked very anxious, "You promised, let me take back to people."


Small black and ink also returned to the sentence, "Yes."

Then, there is a similar iron hook in the small black hand, and a chain, no waiting for the Panyu, and then buckled the position of the bone.

"Let's put your contract beast first." Small black cold road.

Panyu is busy, use mental strength to put your contract beast, only one adult dog is like a big dog, the wedgets of the dog look, it is true, but it is in the Yun Yun. When , instantly turned into a scorpion.

The ears are tacit with the tail, very scared.

"This is the World of Warcraft that just eats the body?" Moonlight looked at the eyes.

The face of the Panyan revealed, his Warcraft is very small, but the strength is still very powerful, at least the early World of Warcraft!

But he still didn't dare to speak casually, and nodded: "Yes, yes."

"Unlock the contractual relationship." Yun said.

That's awkward, I looked at them, and I happened.

"No, they are not to kill you, just to relieve the contractual relationship." The Panyi said.

When I heard this, I saw my master, "The owner, have you died?"

The pig sighs, "Well, re-tire is being a person, and may have a chance to meet in the future."

I looked at his eyes and exposed a hint.

At this time, the ink lifted his hand toward the right arm of the Panya, and a spiritual force drilled his body.

The Panyu only feels that the spirit of the spirit of the sea and the contract beasts in the sea, when it is cut, the corner is slowly flowing down the blood.


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