After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2870, when I owe you a person

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Small black and this at the same time, the hood lock in the hand flashes down, slightly pulled, seeing a transparent soul being dragged out. However, the body has not been injured.

When the soul of the Panya was stupid, he looked at Xiao Black, Zhang Wang asked: "I am being hltered?"

"Otherwise?" Xiao Hui coldly returned.

"Why don't I feel?" Panyu feels incredible.

The small black mouth hooked a brids: "It turns out that you feel too simple? Do you want to come back again, let you feel it again?"

Seeing Xiao-black expression, the Panyu knows that there is no good thing.

I quickly called: "No, no, don't, don't."

A side of Longfei night flashed flash, suddenly converted into purple, and saw the soul of the Panyu.

Next to the month, I can't see it, I can't see it, just staring at the body of the Pany.

The ink pupil is condensed, and the top of the top of the Panye is pulled down. When you slam, he heard the joints of the corpse, meat. The body is wrapped in a dark energy. Around, then slow Slow ablation.

"Is it over?" Longfei glanced at the remaining clothing in the eyes.

"Well." Yun Hao returned a note, and then looked at the dust, "the reincarnation of the deck is also you, you can understand the emperor?"

: "The death is always dead, don't ask for someone."

"But this emperor is a lot of living people." Yun said.

"Due to people," dust should be said, the line of sight is small, at this moment, the small black has been harvested, seeing this turned and turned away.

I haven't waited for the dust to open the neighborhood, and Yun Yi looked again, "Just when I owe you a person."


"It is temporarily unpopular." Yun Hao said is that the face is serious, there are less cool.

"Good." After the dust was finished, he turned again and waved the tricks, and the door opened.

"Thank you." Yun Yun's voice came out of the house.

This makes it just waiting for the dark night with shadow, and I am surprised.

Their master will talk to people? It's really unusual, too thin!


"Know." Yun Wei took the way.

Although he is in a faint attitude, he knows that as long as he is willing to help, it will be able to find it.

I wanted to investigate, but I failed to enter it, and I didn't get much favorable information. Later, the devil was there. There was no chance.

Nowadays, he has not yet radiated from the mainland in the outside world, and can only ask the dust to help.

"The master, please observe it bluntly." Moi on the front.

"Say." Yun Wei turned to see him.

Mo Yi said: "I don't know why the master is interested in the front leader of the continent, but the master is in order to inquire about his news, it will not suffer from the king.

On the side of the month, white and dragon fly night is actually not understanding. Why is it interesting about it?

"Do you have anything?" Asked Moon White.

"I have no way to say temporary." Yun said.

Longfei night with moon white, and even ink is more curious, what is the reason?

"Give it." Yun Yuzhen also said to the outside.

"Wait." Longfei night immediately called.

Others suddenly look at him, "What happened?" Month is asked.

"Is it forgotten that there is still someone else?" Longfei night said, his mouth smoked, "Yu Xiaolong."


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