Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Wei's eyes moved, the line of sight was still on the ground or smashed with the ears, "Where is the coma?"

I looked at the Yun Yun, and suddenly stressed is very stressed. "He, he is in my belly ..."

"Ah? You ate?" Longfei night was surprised to look at it, quite unexpected.

Yun Wei is also a little unexpected, but he didn't speak.

Some fear of being stared at it, I carefully said: "I am not intentional, I am too hungry ... The owner put me at the time, I saw that he was lying and did not move, thinking that he should also Nothing. "Which is known to be asked now? Isn't it difficult to eat?

I thought, I can't help but sneak see them.

"So, Yu Xiaolong is not missing, but he has been eaten." Moon White is described.

I am busy nodding, I have given a definite response again.

Yun Yuzhen didn't say much, turned to go outside.

Longfei night is also busy with you, "Wait for me, what are we going to do now?"

"You casually." Yun said after returning to this sentence, said a sentence in a corner in the yard, "Packed up clean." The mutual fall, disappeared in the yard.

And Longfei night station in the same place, can not help but feel depressed, "What happened this guy? How do I think he seems to have something?"

I said that I haven't walked ink, I immediately asked: "What happened to your master?"

"I don't know." Mo Wei directly returned to the words, and then looked at the in the eyes. Two sentences to Longfei night. "Mo Wei still has something, just regained."

Longfei night mouth smoked, "these two, how is the main one, the next hand is true? It is disappeared."

He is bored him, and then looks at the moon white in the house, "Hey! Are you still doing? Don't you go to supervision?"

Moon white , , "Where are you going now?"

Because the relationship between Yun Yu is dusty, even if the moon white has not been strong, but, he does not dare to discharge the pressure.

It is always low, and it is still a kind of look, "I don't know ..."

This is the truth, he is not this mainland, and it is the contract of the Panyu. Now the relationship between the contract is released. He does not go back to the original continent, and there is no place to go.

"I will be willing to follow me?" "" "" "" "

, surprised to look at this man, repair it without oneself, but dare to tell him this?

Seeing him, I am surprised to look at myself. Moon white can't help but touch the nose, "I am sorry," Don't look at me, I don't say that you should be my contract beast, since you are nowhere, take you. Others, but if you don't agree, choose immediately dead, or swear, today. What you know, you will not say it, otherwise you will be sled immediately. "

Moon, whiten, and glance over a cold light.

The head is ahead of the black line, it means that it is now two roads?

Longfei night looked at the meritorious white ink, should he really look like this ugly holy beast?

However, although it is not very good, it is also a sacred beast.

"How is it?" Moon White asked.

I hesitate to have a child, and I am a radiant, and I am busy opening: "Contract."

It suddenly responded to the moon, whiten, was surprised, "" Do you say true? "

What is easy to promise?

I looked at the outside of the eye, I immediately said, immediately said, "is true, it is true, contract! Fast, hurry!"


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