After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2907, it seems that Xiaobai is now

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The Dragon Sinix Star quickly converges the look, revealing a slight smile, covering the past, while replying: "Nothing, just thinking that Jie Zong's Mo Banyu is some excessive, how to say, Xiaoni teacher is also our The elders, he is like a crowd of people, and does not give the meteor face at all. "

Ye Liangchen glaved in the same color, and immediately showed a smile: "This is actually an unexpected."

"I think ink is deliberate." Dragon Strings showed cold color white ink.

Ye Liangchen did not say anything, just a faint smile.

Meteor disciples have already begun various guessing, and even the people of Lingzong have also discuss it.

Others are also curious, the original than the martial arts, it turns directly into the gossip.

On the VIP, Liu Heng has already faced the iron green, directly taken, "the dead stink!" Do you dare to make a small smuggling? "

"Okay, okay, people are not intentional, just the hands of Xiaoni, this is an accident." The epic is not slow.

However, Liu Heng is still black, while glaring, "It's not your daughter, you of course, it doesn't matter?"

This makes the epic sinks, and it is directly: "Yes! It is your daughter, but I don't see you, do you have a person!"

"I don't have a relative, but it is like a person who is a relative. I know what is called? Your glare is not as good, let alone, I have saved her, and I have always been like My own daughter, when you say this, don't you feel that you don't want your face? "

"The savior of my own daughter is this talk?"

His words did not leave Liu Heng, Liu Heng also suddenly gotheed, as if a pot of cool water was poured.

The face is also unable to stop, the momentum is instant, and the speech is also weak: "This ... I am a moment of impulsive, some mouths are unobstructed, I am impulsive ... I am also worried!"

Lin Yuan has secretly touched the sweat of the forehead, and a look.

The corner of the jade mouth came with a smile and admired the epic.

Lu Yan recovered the look at Liu Heng, and his eyes turned out a smile. He looked at him again, and the tone was light: "It seems that Xiaobai is also very fast."

"What is the meaning of the owner?" The two elders have a smile.

Lu Yan glanced at the eyes, "I know so."

If the purple clears, it is not a word.

The survey of the competition on the ring is immediately shouted: "Everyone! Everyone is quiet, below, the trial will begin!"

This shouted, and everyone stopped talking, and they will focus on the stage.

also just finds the opportunity to alleviate his embarrassment, and immediately leave the moon: "When you leave, when are you playing?"

"The first group, the second quarter." Moon left.

When I finish, the moon got up and got up.

Yun Yuzhen was followed, and he saw the opponent from the moon, and he suddenly scored a smile.

"Is this people not yesterday?" Longfei night surprised to look at the same day, with the same person in the direction. "

"Yes." Yun said.

Moon Moon White can't help but say: "It seems that he is inevitable with the moon."

The moon of the second quarter is also unexpected, and the eyes are moving, slowly said: "I met again."


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