After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2908 Hello, I am the Feng Town of Lingzong

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Wang Deli saw the moon, a pair of eyes first stared at the meeting, shocked. Yan's eyes look at the moon, busy lane: "Girl, we seem to meet the first time? Do you know me?"

Wang Deli, Wang Deli, did not help but be happy, the other person actually knows himself?

People sitting around the people are seeing and the number of people fighting against the battle, and when the moon is separated from Wang Deli, everyone has exposed an unexpected color.

The few of the meteorizes is a bitter, especially the words, almost depressed!

"How come today, are it to fight with her?"

Side standing on the side, worry about: "Zone, it seems that Wang Deli is destined to have won."

The words are not talking, and the mood is very bad.

I still don't know the king of the other party, and my face is still a smile looks at the moon.

The moon is from the cold little face, there is no expression, and then I will introduce myself: "Hello, I am a spiritual city of Lingzong, before the name will be named."

".........." Wang Deli smiled and solidified, "from the month?"

Merely Yesterday, I took a mask. I saw it today. It is really beautiful.

Suddenly, Wang Deli remembered that they were sent directly to the totro, then a series of things happened ... The face could not help but change, very embarrassing.

But after he was smashed by the people of the sanctuary, then lifted away, he woke up until the night, and was called in the morning and was shouting and continued to play.

However, the basin of the basin is the most late to the battlefield. It has not yet come yet, and what happened yesterday than the battlefield.

"Can you start?" Month remained again.

Wang Dachi is busy, "can be."

The supervisor of the supervisor, I looked at them, and then shouted: "The test begins."

Wang Deli did not immediately handle, but nodded to thank you: "Thank you Feng girl yesterday."

"Don't have to." The moon directly driven directly, "I am struck!"

Wang Deli has not been vague, even if there is a skill, "" Running the mountain in the sea! "

A small tornado appeared in the same time, and there was a small tornado in an instant, and went to the moon.

The wind blade formed by the spiritual power in the tornado is the two rounds around the surroundings, and it also felt the power of the tornado.

The negotiator looked at this side and stopped the action. They wanted to see how the moon will be.

At this moment, there is no dodge, and it is close to the wind.

Just when the wind is hit, the moon is avoided, but there is no meaning.

The tornado seems to have a self-conscious consciousness, and it will be attacked again with the moon.

I looked at your eyes and flashed again.

Wang Daren saw that she has never countered, thinking is that there is no power, then shouted, "Feng girl, if you admit it to my hand, I will never let you hurt."

This suddenly attracted a lot of people laugh, some people are just: "Is Wang Deli not know the strength of Fengliu City?"

"It seems like?"

"I didn't remember the wrong, Wang Deli seems to be a king-level?"

"The king level said with the holy, will not let you hurt, this is really a joke."

Sitting in the disciple seat, it is also awkward, and the heart has always been in the strange king.

"No." The moon immediately returned to the sentence, and she was only the speed of this skill, and the storm skills contracted with small black storm skills. I feel now, it is general.

"That's ending!" The month was over, and he waved his hand in Wang Deli's intimate eyes, and a huge black eagle appeared when he suddenly turned over.


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