Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Heng is strange with the second elders, the two attitude towards the night of Dragonfly night is so fast?

"What happened? What happened to our level ..." The two elders have not finished.

Longfei night is close to the low voice: "Two long, we still don't have a small ion, say that you can leave yourself? Old ancestors have left many of the dooms!"

There is no so much, and Longfei caught the two elder clothes and went to go.

I want to say anything, I have taken the defense circle of the Red Golden Bell. Once this barrier is coming out, I can't get it.

I didn't go away, I have a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of dullness and helplessness.

"You, if you really have something, how do we explain the old ancestors?" The two elders are very helpless.

"This is still thinking about it, how can I explain it with Yun Wei!" Longfei night is still a little fine. After all, it will be a lot of big cards from the time, but the other party can be the power of the gods, it is not a general Strong.

I think that I have to find Yun Yunzhen, it is estimated that this guy can only be cleaned up.

"I'm gone, I'm really want to start than the trial." Longfei night said, once again pulled the second year to the direction of the battle.

is a bit unsaused, "Xiaoyi, you have to be careful!"

I nod, "I will go back! If it is late, it is equal to abandoning."

Xia Xiai had only had no choice but to turn two steps, turned and turned, and looked at Liu Heng in the barrier. "You still don't go?"

Liu Heng has some hesitated: "This ..."

"Ok, the little leaves let you go, you will go." Yan Shii has some impatient interruption, and then look at you, turn it away.

"The big master, you hurry up! Wan Wan on the road, the small fire is not good." The month said.

Liu Hei listened to it, "Well! You are more careful." The word is immediately chasing it.

"They all have gone, can I give me now?" Heavy cold road.

The moon is late: "What is eager? What happened again?"

The heavenly cold face looked at her, almost there was no patience, but the bipolar was still in the month, he had to endure swallowing.

"it is good!"

Then, I will recruit it, "Give me a good look!"

"Yes!" All the hands immediately stood well, and it was surrounded by the surrounding power, and the moon was forgotten.

The moon is slightly illuminated, swept the eye, the repair inside is in the king-level to the holy stage, there is no god level, this shows that there is no one in these men.

This seems that this time is sent separately alone?

Just when I was thinking, I was thinking about thinking, looking at the moon from the moon, and suddenly thought of a person.

It's been thinking about it, I'm pulled over the darkness, and the corner of the mouth came: "I heard that you are now calling the Phi City, he is your current friends?"

The moon is flashing, staring at him: "What do you want to say?"

The forgotten eyes are also condensed, cold, said: "If you have something, there is a fart. ."

The breath of the heavens is sinking, "Do you know who I am? Dare to talk to me?"

"What is good in the hand of the traitor?" Forgot to have some disdain.

The heavenly color is another sinking. "Do you dare to say it again?"

The month is the street: "Isn't it true?"

"I don't want to talk to you. It seems that your brother is aware of your identity?" Heightean fellow looked for someone.


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