Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "How? What do you want to say?" The monthly felt that the other party suddenly said, there is another purpose.

Heawa immediately laughed: "I just heard them saying that you have a shallow relationship with a small country in the people, this is true?"

"No." Moon left.


Dawgua will not give: "You have been in a might of the martial arts ..."

"He is a big country's Prince." The month is calm. "

Dynasty can't help but come, difference?

Even the one next to the mouth is not afraid.

Forgot to look at the moon, the corner of his mouth is a smile.

Asked in the month: "How? How is your heaven?"

Dawang snorted, smiled: "You will not forget your old lovers before? You said, if you know that you have forgotten the two nets, find another man, or a person, I don't know if I will feel? "

When I was talking to my heart, I feel a little wrong, and I was obviously something wrong.

The door seal of the devil showed this crack. In addition to her Master, the god circle was only known.

In addition, I don't know if I don't know if I have a dusty master.

So, people who don't know, the devil is sealed, it is equal to disappearance, or completely isolated from the world.

What will I know?

The rapid thoughts of the moon, watching the eyes of the sky, "What do you mean by you?" How can he know? "

The role of the heighteak is rising, and he is only nervous, and it is afraid that Xuan Ming knows that she is dyed with other men.

In this way, the mood is a balance.

"See you is so nervous, it seems that it is not completely not in Xuan Ming? Haha!" Dynasty laughed very much.

Forgot to look at the eyes, the tone is slightly tone: "Listen to your words, you seem to have a way to let him know the same, when it is a joke."

When he was a smile, "I just have a way, I really want to see it, Xuan Ming is disappointed with your sister and pain."

The moon is separated, "When the seal of the year is me, you will do it, you think you can solve?

Her words succeeded, just a little proud of heightest, instant anger, "Hey! The seal is not to do it, it has already split it."

Dowen also said: "You still don't know? The master will know that the seal is loose."

When the moon is suddenly chasting, Ouyang Mo already knows?

The devil is not dangerous!

Moreover, now Yun Yun's soul is not in the devil world. If this time, Ouyang Mo took the opportunity to attack the devil.

Forgot to feel the changes in the moon, he also said that he can guess what is worried.

And the sky is not in the month, and the look is somewhat nervous, and the corner of the mouth will rise again.

"Are you worried about Xuan Ming? Oh, you are not a man who has already moved, and worried about what he did?"

The moon will continue to worry about my heart, and there is a laughter on the face: "How do I am my business, but if you dare to ruin the seal, do you bear it?"

"Who says we want to destroy? Just use it, wait until everything is over, will restore calm, who knows what happened? No one knows."

I looked at the moon and took the ridicule: "Are you very anxious? Is it very worried? But now, you can't do anything. You are very unfastened, but also care for Xuan Ming? Oh."

"Yes?" The month is slow and said.


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