Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yu Qing laughed looked at Lu Ziyue, said: "Month, don't you forget, when you are very small, I will go to Lingzong to find you, I often hug you, you are calling my brother!"

"I ..." Lu Ziyue's face once again is embarrassed, and then said: "Time has been a long time, many things I can't think of it, but also Wang Yuxi ..."

"Call my brother." Yuqing immediately stressed.

Lu Ziyue's discourse, then hesitated, seeing you look forward to seeing yourself, and finally changed: "Brother, brother."

"Well ..." Yu Qing met, the mood is very good.

Mo Wei, I can't help but look at Yu Qing, put ahead of the black line, dark road: I have already seen too much not to face, I didn't expect to have more faces ...

Zi Ruoqing didn't know what to say, and then reluctantly exposed a smile, and asked: "Can you ask, when will the brother going to the Temple?"

Yu Qing immediately thought about it.

"I just asked, there is nothing." Ziruixi smiled and picked up the cup and lick the mouth.

Yu Qing did not ask other people, and then pulled up home and started to talk about other topics.

Just at this time of the meteorithic main hall, a small small aircraft is parked, and it can only accommodate up to three or four people.

Epic stood in the gate of the main hall with a general person, and he was standing on a group of hands with him.

Ming a small voice behind him: "The master, what will be in the basin? And, it seems that there is no aircraft in the basin, this is really no longer thinking."

Forgot to be indifferent to the small spacecraft that stopped in front of him, the cold voice rang: "I have not heard that it doesn't mean, no matter which mission, more or less will give yourself some bottom card. Can use the aircraft, except for the host It is the biggest one ... "

"Is it the Taizong of the flowing star?" Mingyi can't help but accidentally.

Mingcheng is busy: "Their Taizong heard that has been closed for decades, this time it should be dedicated to the words."

Forgetting your worries, you can draw a different color in your eyes, quietly.

There is also a group of ribus disciples on the side of the air, the eyes are closely eye on the door of the aircraft, and the team is also neat.

At this moment, these people, the mood can't say nervous, after all, the host is in an accident, but they still live well, even if they don't know what they know first, but also, it is a Zongmen first know, this let them How to explain it.

Dangdang, the door of the aircraft finally turned on.

Shi Shi is forgotten, asked: "Feng Gongzi, do you have not temporarily avoided?"

"In order to be a loss, what needs to avoid?" I forgot to drive.

Epic listened to no longer persuaded, and then said: "Okay! If there are people who will make people in the Waters, this is the main rule to block."

He is worried, I forgot to fall, but I am not afraid, but the good idea of ​​epic is still my heart, and I will take it below.

"Basin disciple, see too much!"

At this time, the empty voice of the disciple of the voyage, I saw a group of people.

They are standing in a gray hazag old, shameful, with a silver zone, and it is a bit casual.

Two middle-aged men behind him, tall and burly, headed with black cloth, only revealing a pair of cold eyes.

Yueyang is a cold, and the eyes are a little red, cold and sweeping through the disciples of the river.

"stand up."

Just two words, I have made the ground to catch someone from my heart to my heart, but I still get up with pressure.


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