After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3064 Do you insist on helping the little man?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yue Yang's face was gloomy, and after the line of sight swept this group, he looked at the main epic of the finals who were just coming.

At the same time, I didn't miss it, I stayed in his body, and I couldn't help but draw a different color on the face.

The epic surface with a smile, quickly stepped forward: "The seniors can be the Taizong, Yue Lao, who is the basin, Yue Lao?"

Yueyang face showed a clear unhappy, the cold voice immediately snorted: "Who are you?"

Epic is not in a hurry: "This seat is the current meteor, epic."

"It turns out that this is the generner of this meteor." Yueyang face is straightforward, the sturdy breath also turns a more cold, "the principal of this is going to your site, don't you give an old man an explanation? "

Epic heard the words, suddenly was surprised, "What does you mean? What do you mean? This is the disciple of the basin, saying that the Lord is missing, but they say that the news from Guizong said yes, The words are victimized, how is this possible? "

"Although the Yutang of Yutang, the Lord of Yutang, is killed by the enemy, but this is not the matter of the lead. How can I kill him?"

It is said that this, Yueyang's face is quite ugly, "You said, the jade fox is killed?"

Yueyang said, the frank eye turned into the disciples of the basin.

"Say! Why don't you tell this seat? What is the Yutang owner?"

The disciples of the basin can not help but have soft, followed by, there is a rush to reply: "Taizong is anger, because of the urgency, it is the main owner, this matter is still not passed back to Zongmen, who is thinking, He is a matter, or you are in person, we have to say this in the future. "

Yueyang was cold and looked at them. The history of Shi Shi came again. "Why is Yue Lao to identify the Lord of the Lord? Perhaps he just went to not know."

"Oh, if there is no soul jade in the old man, the old man see, the principal of this, I am afraid that it is not necessarily known to die," Yueyang looked at the epic, then said: "Become and you Zongmen's things don't talk, go to the old man! "

Bringing ... a touch of wind blowing, Yueyang's garmes also ligated, face the cold frost.

Looking at the eyes of epic is also very gloomy, as if warning: dare to refuse!

The disciples who stand on the side are still squatting on the ground, and the head buried is lower, and many repairs are slightly lower, and they can't hold it.

However, epic has nothing, and the face is kept at a smile. "This is the owner, why is Yue Lao to find Lingzong's disciples? What is the matter with her?"

Yue Yang is cold, "I don't know? You don't know, or do you don't know? Oh, give old husband garlic, do you have to do it? Do you not know? Still, do you insist that you want to help the little man?"

The voice just fell, and a silver mood was instantly flying to this.

"Be careful!" The two middle-aged guards around Yueyang rushed to attack, one of them pulled out the sword and immediately waved the sword.

boom! A loud noise!

Yueyang eyes flashed, and the face suddenly avoided the silver mandrel.

The man who intercepted the attack, was hittering more than ten meters, leaving a clear scratch.

When the man suddenly pressed, his face was dignified, and his mouth slipped out of the scarlet blood, looked at the direction of the front attack shot.

"How can it be?"


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