After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3138, I want her to die

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! A fried, there is a big pit.

Monthly insurance avoided blow, but the face is not very good.

The Situ is not paused, and it is not a hit.

Strong percentage has also been affected by the speed of the moon. At this moment, the whole god is concentrated, and the energy in the body is also concentrated.

The print is launched in the hand, and the halo flashes, and the ground is suddenly shaken.

The four surrounding surroundings have also appeared, and a thick stone wall is turned out in an instant.

Suddenly, stop the Situ.

At the same time, a group of cones were also condensed over, but ...

One time the wall tightened, the intensive ice cone was dropped.

The Situ is unteligated, "I also want to block this seat?"

I have a spirituality, and my body will climb again, bomb ...

The two power collided, and the monthly released itself in time.

Sandstone splash, broken ice is four.

A person standing in a shallow pit is a Situ, the other party can't help but be safe, and even the eyes of the moon are very disdainful.

"It seems that you still have a little ability, just, this seat is not free to waste time."

Situ is cold and cold, there is a pure black long sword in his hand, the sword blade flashes.

I will know that this sword is extremely heavy, and the suffocation is extremely heavy.

The month is left here, and the double eyebrows will be slightly smashed, and the Situ is absolutely quirky.

The eyes are certainly not mistaken, and there is a normal cultivator, or a man, how can the finger grow a black long nails?

This will not be seen in the Chinese mythology, not the ghost is a demon.

And obviously, the Situ is a known ...

The Situ once again condensed energy, and the momentum was instantly skyrocketing, and the hands were in front of the city to leave the mad attack.

... All attacks have fallen above the periphery of the protective barrier.

The moon is stationed, and the face suddenly changed, she could clearly felt the protective barrier in jitter.

Today, she has used the defensive power of the red golden bell. Before Wei Wei, the few things did not use, although there is a small look, but the other person is actually angry, not really she is dead. .

At this moment, the Situ can be said that crazy launching attacks, I want to die.

The red gold bell cauted in the hand is not to understand the shake, and she is also secretly transporting spiritual power, must support.

The moon is almost biting his teeth, and the spiritual force is almost as soon as the water is so continuously sent to the red golden bell.

Suddenly, a sweet stem is swallowed back by the moon.

At this time, the Situ stopped, and the deep eyes were puzzled, staring at the moon, "How can the defense in your hand can stop this seat attack."

This is to let the moon will not be turned over, and it is light: "Don't you think that you are talking nonsense?"

Situ is a bit of breath, it is about to attack, the moon is said: "Since you are hiding behind the peeking for a long time, I didn't see it, but the fake fairy didn't have to take me, how can you?"

"It's hard, your Situ is better than her?" The month said that this is actually some empty. If the Situ is continuing to attack the barrier, she dares to determine that the defense of the red gold bell is broken.

The moon is also a loud laugh: "I said, the national teacher is smart and wisdom, don't you think that I know that someone is tracking behind, but I don't worry, but I am so happy."

"If you have no doubts?"

The expression of Situ is hysterested, and Wei Wei is also attacked before, but it did not break the defense.


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