Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! And all the way is staying away from Wei Wei, and finally wait until you can get it, but still can't move?

He can't kill this kid today?

But he is not willing to let go, the heart is boring, "It seems that Yun Yun is a good thing to give you a lot, you have already prepared.

"No, I said, this is happening." The month is away from the calm, "it's right, I almost forgot, calculate the time, my Parents should come."

When the month, the moon suddenly turned to the Situ, and the heart could not help but have an idea.

"It's better, you are simply waiting for it. Waiting for them, see each other? I think there are a few people, you must see it."

I heard the words, the brow of Situ was wrinkled, and the other party naturally won't really see it.

"What do you mean? Do you say something."

"Okay, I like to talk to the refreshing man." The month is laughing, followed by continuing: "Remember the matter about Murong Fei Xue was tied?"

Situ did not speak, but the eyes of the moon were obviously suspicious.

The moon is hooked: "Since Muronghua is dead with Murong Fei Xue, I will tell you, the robbers are being the master of the Prince."


"What do you say?" Situ is not strong, and it is obvious that it is obvious.

Monthly knew he surprised the reason, his mouth smiled with a silk, "see this."

On the other hand, there is a stay in another hand, followed by spiritual power, suddenly appeared in the scene picture of Murongfei in the basement, and is also the same as the stone picture of Yunlong Guo.

Even if the Situ is not the whole battle at the time, it can be determined, this is that!

"Why is this thing in your hand!" Situ's vocabulation.

"Are you stupid? I just didn't say it, the robber is the man of my family, and I am from my family, isn't it normal in my hand?"

"I also asked such a stupid problem." The moon is separated, it is very disadvantageous.

"You! Have a crazy!"

Situ felt that he was suffered, and the palm is another shot to the barrier.

The month will be strong again, ...

A blood jeopard suddenly was swallowed in the throat, and the moon was exposed on his face. "I said that the national teacher is adult, why do you have a waste of energy?"

When the Situ's face suddenly god, the look at the moon suddenly changed.

Surprising in the heart, how high is how high in the manner in front of me.

"Kid, since the robber is the prince's person, why also kidnapped Murong Fei Xue, extorting Murong Home."

The moon is separated, "Then it is blame, the woman is in order to ruin the reputation of my Prince, live!"

"Again, we can not be so idle, special to kidnapped her, just by way. Oh ... Yes, it seems that the national teacher is also seriously injured by one of us."

Situ is a sinking, "this ..."

"Nothing is nothing, the national teacher! It is not aware of it. It is normal. Waiting for our prince with the other two hands, one is that it will be handed over with you that day." Moon is separated by understanding Sway.

"If you don't accept it, you can wait for them, and then learn from this again, rest assured, even if you lose, no one can see it, we will not say it."

The moon is free, and the face is still watching him.


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