After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3149 My brother is also ...

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Just ...

, tear ...

"Hey, hey ..." Wu Gang sat on the ground and did not dare to move.

At this moment, the Wu Gang posture is weird on the ground, and the pants also opened a big mouth.

The forehead is all cold sweat, the five senses distortions and their pain.

The two men looked at each other, and the corner of the mouth was slightly bent, revealing a few indifferent smiles, but quickly resumed the indifferent face.

Previously, the man took the head, he was nervous to see Wu Gang, care: "Elder? You ... okay?"

"No, it's okay ... I accidentally slipped." Wu Gang strive to endure, but the expression is more funny.

In fact, I just kicked people didn't play, but the feet became a split posture, and the bones were hard to be born.

It's okay, just, this is also what he is looking for.

"Need to help you?" Men asked.

Wu Gang immediately raised his hand, "No! Don't, don't. The old man will get up."

The man didn't stick to it, directly replied: "Since it is fine, then it will be retired, after all, there are two poisoned dead heads, and the subordinates feel that it is still handled as soon as possible."

Wu Gangnao immediately nodded, "To, you hurry! The sooner, and others have discovered."

"Yes, I will tell." The two said at the same time, and immediately retreated.

When I left, Wu Gangci moved to the legs that were opened, and the face was sweating on the face slipped.

"Oh ... my brother is also ... My life is to be abolished ... Hey, hurt me, ah ... ah ..."

Two men who have been left outside for a while, and the corners of the mouth are rapidly leaving.

It is a transparent barrier around the two people, and only two men are tearing up to the skin mask from the face.

It is the month from the phoenix.

"The owner, you can be very powerful, this dead man, can you blink? Hahaha! It is too fun to see the woman just now!" Feng Dance is happy.

The moon smiled and smiled, "It's very simple, it's because of the cause of the nerve, I can't help but blink, and you can let the dead people stand up."

"Really? Is it so powerful?" The phoenix dance is bright, very interested.

The month is left here, can't help but smile, "I have the opportunity for you to see it."

"Okay!" Feng Dance immediately took the palm.

"Well, come here tonight, we have been doing business, others say later." The moon said, while giving yourself a medicinal medicine, while giving a phoenix dance.

"Take this clothes, you can temporarily cover your body."

Feng dance immediately, "The master, what should we get ready?"

"Drop." The month will pass the lips, and there is a bottle in his hand. "Go."

The phoenix dance was suddenly looked at all, nodded immediately.

"The poison is not to face!"

"The poison is not dead." When the moon left, the protective barrier also disappeared.

"Ah?" Feng Dance couldn't help but accidentally, she thought that the poison was the people who were directly poisoned in the basin.

"What is the role?" Feng Dance unexplained.

"Confidential." The month is deliberately sold, she knows that Feng dance is curious, deliberately do not say, so she is curious.

In fact, it is also intentional to tease her, and the phoenix dance is helpless, "Okay, don't say tomorrow."

"But ... will you find anything?" The phoenix dance suddenly thought that the three came from the gods, although I didn't know, the people of the gods came to the mainland, when they became so freedom.

I can't help but worry in my heart, with the current repair, the front and conflict will still lose money.


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