After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3150 Basil's Basin Subcarriage?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The month will calmly: "Take a doctor to see the medicine, the poison is also looking at people. Rest assured!"

Phoenix dances, and the heart is also safe.

The two once again put on the human skin mask of the two men and found the water source of the basin.

Night is deep, silent, no one, surrounded by a insects.

In the exquisite hospital, a small building's light is still bright. At this time, the woman sat in front of the dressing table and looked like his face.

The pale little face that was scared before Shu Yue, which has been restored at this moment.

The eye gradually floats gentle, lifting the fibrin, jade, caught his cheek, slightly bending the mouth.

"Shu Yue, you are so beautiful, how can he not love you?"

"Fast, as long as you solve the thing here, go back, it is when you become a relative."

"You should be confident, he said he loves you, so why should you worry?"

One sentence, it seems to be self-encouraged, and slowly in her mouth.

Shu Yue is slowly taken out a small black box from his hand, and the movement is careful.

Slowly open, lying inside is a half-inch size dark purple color stone, if it is seen, will be excited?

Unexpectedly, Shu Yue's hand has a piece of gods!

Shu Yue's gently touched the colorant, with a silk smile on his face, "The woman wanted to find something was in me, I would like to think that she can't think of can't think about it?"

"Although I don't know what you use, I will not let him! Who let her follow her , grab me, and want to grab my man, even my own do things want to have it. "


Shu Yuyue is a cold, and the face has changed the gentleness like water, turned into the cold, "Shu Yin, you will wait! Will you take your fake mask in the morning!"

The box is covered with the box and put it in the ring again.

On the other side, the moon is away from the water source, and the foot will slow down, and the hand of the stars, and it feels the jitter of the bracelet, which is a reaction to each time injecting nearby stones.

And the distance is not far.

This makes her couldn't help but have a sorrowful block of the south of the basin?

Suddenly, the reaction is from where the end of the bracelet is from where, the hand is induced, and the shake frequency gradually turns the body.

Just waiting for the month to leave carefully, the reaction suddenly disappeared, the bracelet was again quiet.

"Nothing?" Moon is from frowning.

"Master, what is wrong? What happened to you?" Feng Dance lifted his month to lift it, do not know what to do.

The moon is around the eye, and it is ignorant: "I just felt that there is a star stone nearby."

"Ah? Really?" Feng Dance couldn't help but excite it, "What about it now?"

"I disappeared again." Month is somewhat regret.

"Dance this is going to find it!" Feng Dance said to go find it.

"Where are you going? The river is very big, and it is not small. If you say anyone, I am afraid, I just took it out, now I have been collected, I've been looking for it. Arrived. "

After the month, I turned to the water source again. "One piece, there should be, naturally can't run."

When the phoenix dance suddenly said, immediately keep up, the heart is in, I want to pour those people, and then ask the star stone drop.

This matter is already late at night, cultivation of cultivation, sleeping sleep.

The month is not low, and the breath has been concealed, and the red gold bell is in hand.

I want to do something in the basin, still it is not difficult.

One night, everyone woke up in the big bell of Zongmen, and the sky was bright.

The disciples have gotten up and start a day.



When ... is ......

"All disciples are listening, and the speed is finished to the square collection. Adults have something to explain."

From the direction of the clock tower, Wu Gang's voice.

Everyone listened, I didn't dare to delay, and immediately stepped up the speed.


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