Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Wu Gang is conveyed, and he can't help but hurt.

The look is obvious, there is a bit free, the eyes are extremely heavy, slow, "Go!"

Next to the two disciples immediately, one hand, helped him to go downstairs.

Although I don't know what they are old, but still curious, just a night, how is his legs can't walk properly?

"Wu Chang is old? You hurt this, do you want to help you go back to rest?" One of them said.

Wu Gang immediately refused. "Don't have to, the old age is just the upper and lower steps, the legs can not be used, and it is still not in the way."

Wen said, the disciple can't help but doubt, "I am old, I don't know what it is yesterday? I hurt my legs?"

Wu Gang's face couldn't help but stunned. I thought that last night, I suddenly became less nature.

Immediate transfer of topics: "Ask so much? Now, don't hurry to help the old people? Otherwise it is too late."

I heard Wu Gang's gas change, the two disciples are not the people of Mu, naturally know, this can not be asked.

I hurriedly nodded, and the two did not dare to say anything, carefully support him under the bottom floor.

On the other hand, people in the seizure of almost all rushed to the square, and the Shu Yue is also pulling it.

The female disciple that has been waiting for the door is waiting, only listening to the other, two female disciples immediately bowed to the push door to push the door.

"The disciples have seen adults." The female disciple waited, putting things well.

Shu Yue was light, and I came out from the interior.

I first took a cup of cups in my hand, I got a mouth.

It is followed by another female disciple, and there is a piece of a piece of a piece of Paton.

Shu Yue is just wanting to pick up the Patun, seeing a few purple petals in the clear water basin, and a fragrant fragrance is very good.

I can't help but confuse: "How can there be petals? How can I not see this?"

The disciples heard the words immediately explained: "If you return to the big people, this is the flower of Wu Changxiao's disciples in the morning, from the medicine flower from the spiritual medicine. Wu Chang Lao said that the adults are not good yesterday, I want to have a good rest last night. I will use this flower to pick this flower. "

"Wash your face with this petal, you can moisturize the skin, while staying with aflee, let your body bring your aroma, better than countless prosthetic ...

"What is so good?" Shu Yue thought this, Wu Gang is considering that she was scared last night, worried that she could not rest peace of mind overnight.

I didn't expect that he still considered such a heart, and suddenly nodded to Wu Gang's performance.

However, the effect of the expedition to the female disciple is really uncleary, watching the flowers in the water, looking down and sniffing, "Xiang is enough, it is not good, just is it so good?"

She doesn't understand the refining medicine, so I know very little about herbs, just, there is a bit of recognition of the toxicity.

Preliminary affirmation, this flower is indeed non-toxic.

The female disciple turns his face, looks to Shu Yue, with a smile: "Adults can take a look at the face of the disciple, although the disciples are flat, but the skin does not dare to say such as the newborn baby, but it is too smooth."

"It is due to long-term use of this ring."

When Shu Yue, I looked at the female disciples before the eyes, so, I have to admit that this woman's skin is indeed a little awkward ...

The so-called one side of the water and soil, thinking that she lives in the gods, naturally, in addition to the aura, the air is naturally good.

The water soil is also unknown to a level, but her skin and the woman in front of him are a lot.

Is this flower so good?


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