After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3163, a large disaster

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! I heard these a few days of laughing, there were a few people who were present, and I couldn't help but forth, it is a bit unpleasant.

"How do you mean? Listen to your breath, it seems that it is very disdainful?" The second elders immediately returned to him a laugh.

"So, the old, you can't see those contract beasts of the city?" The three elders mouth hooked a smile.

Such obvious satiries, naturally, others can also hear anything.

"You can't see it? How do you dare to get a beast? Don't say that it is a beast, that is, the husband of the sacred beast does not dare to be in the eyes!" The high yuan returned.

"Yes? We didn't see you." The two elders fell, ironically, he looked at him: "Gao Long veteran begins to be in the city, I don't know, what do you use?"

"Two old, you are not working on the old man? And the old man has explained from the beginning, and the old man is in the order for the source, for our future."

"Oh, I didn't see it." The two elders also learned him to laugh at the moon before, back to him, huh.

The high-yuan brow wrinkled, then stopped, the mouth of the mouth came: "You can't see it, the second elders are not completely in the spirit, and the old man can understand."


"I'm old." The long life called the second elders, reluctantly coughing, saying: "Old second, yesterday, you also said, you seem to have a lot of fire, according to me, you are really very I am getting angry, let the third day to prepare some of the liver fires to eat. "

Two long and one listening, immediately: "Boss, I ..."

The rear, "Right, the old two, the red art said that she is still uncomfortable, you are a master, and don't care about your apprentice." The old old eyes are not happy. " Actually, it is not to say that it is implied to him.

The second elders have heard that the red art is uncomfortable, and suddenly cares: "Red art is uncomfortable? How can she say it?"

"Well, yesterday, I met, I saw her face is not very good, I asked, or she still refused to say." The big elders are sure.

In this way, the two long and old, I have forgotten to continue to be high, and I am worried about the situation of red art. I don't talk.

The high yuan smiled: "You can't see it, the second elders are so concerned about their apprentice?"

"Gao Long is old, you are almost, no matter what is the purpose, the city is also the old ancestors, if she has any flash, don't say it is you, it is what we are hard to escape." .

"Yes? Can you close the life and death of Zongmen, you think, a person who brings a big disaster to Zongmen, compared with the future of Lingzong, which one is tend to tend to tend to be?" The tone of the Gao Yuan said.

Lu Yan hooks the lips, but there is still no opening, continuing to wait for the high yuan.

The high dollar did not let him down, continue to talk about: "Zone, you think that the Feng Town is more important than the security of the Zongmen?"

Lu Yan heard the words, the calm eyes looked at him, and then slowly took the tea cup and slowly pulled it.

Then, in his eyes expected, he ordered a note.


Two elders have suddenly showed a smile, some provocative look at the high dollar.

What is unexpected is that the high-yuan face did not appear disappointed colors, but smile looked at Lu Yan.


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