After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3164 is destroyed! Don't die!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In this way, it is a bit surprised by other elders. After all, he has always asked to push the Fengcheng City.

Now that the Lord does not express any opposition, is it not disappointed? ,

Or what is angry?

Three elders have some unexpected doubts.

The high yuan is calm. "The meaning of the master is to let us all the strong enemies in the gods? You are sure, can we deal with them?"

"Gao Long believes that we have a big parade, it is necessary for the other party to people, and automatically recognize it? Then I will sacrifice a girl who has not yet lost, or for the success of the Zongmen. I changed? Ann Ning in the door? "

Lu Yan is faint, the face is also calm, but if you say it, you can't help but listen to your heart.

Lu Yan's words have also clearly showed his attitude. If someone is opposed, it is afraid that it will continue to speak this.

However, the high-yuan dollar did not work, and the face suddenly sinked.

The next person couldn't help but stunned, suddenly he looked at the tall, and he couldn't help but refund half a step.

Lu Yan is calm and does not think.

The high-yuan tone is cold and condensed: "The Lord can once thought that behind the watershed! Or a family, the other family is in the goddess, how to do not say, and say that they can send three people. The mainland is enough to show that they are not simple! "

"Since you are a host, you should know that people in the people must have reached a certain trimming to enter that place, but once it enters, it is not so easy to come back."

"Of course, our old ancestors are a special case, but those who are really gods, but they can come here." Tell this, the tall dollar does not understand, what is Yunyangzi can come to us?

Press the heart, the high-end continuation: "What does this mean? The family behind the basin is not simple! The other side is here to give them the Taizong and the primary, if we can take the initiative Exhausted, you can avoid the casualties of other people in Zongmen! "

"Reverse it, if it is right, even if it is lucky to win, the other party will be good enough? No, no, the source is constantly adding people! Since then, the purpose will only become another one, destroy Lingzong! Don't die! "

The high-yuan is angry, and there are some faces that have been changed in those elders.

"This ... won't it? The consequences will be so serious?" A exterior door could not help but tense.

The outside door is also exclaimed: "If this is the case, Ling Zong is not ... all people follow the burial?"

A few old ages can not help but eyebrows, I haven't spoken it for a while.

Lu Yan is condensed, looking at the cup of the hand in the hand, I don't know what I am thinking.

The hall is from the hot discussion, and it seems to be in an abnormal calm.

The high yuan looked at the old man, and there was a middle-aged man who had a beard on his face. He couldn't help but see him. The two eyes were in the air.

The elders immediately got up, riding the rock, and then went to the mouth: "The main owner, although Liu Hu is only a small old man outside, the status does not dare to compare with the old ancestors, but For the life and death of the Zongmen, I will choose, sacrifice myself, and everyone is safe. "

With him, another person next to him hesitated, and he also followed.

Exhibition is a good ritual, and it is difficult to face: "Zone, if you want to lose it!"

After that, he said: "It is a serious thoughtful thinking. The old man is also wrong. If Lingzong is up and down because of a small girl's smoked, it is in the same way. Really unfair! "


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