Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Forgetting the worried, I suddenly exposed doubts, I didn't talk.

"Master, why don't you be anxious? The watershed is the god circle. How do you have their opponents!" Mingyi faces.

"Well, I know." Forgot to nod, once again: "Let the elite group of the dark, rush to Lingzong at the fastest speed."

"Yes, the master." Ming Dynasty should take the way.

"Wait, you go to do something again ..." Forgetting the worry.

Soon, flying out from this inn, there is no more shadow without a few.

The intersection of the fairy, the contact sounds suddenly, hurriedly opened, and the face suddenly changed.


The epic is a glass of wine, then patted Liu Heng shoulders, and the heart is long. Things. Ben, you can still blame yourself. "

"Summarize the words: live it."

Liu Hei is slightly uncomfortable: "Are you in a gloating? Is it feeling a kind of revenge?"

"Oh, revenge? Laozi can't see your opponent." Liu Heng disdainfully snorted.

See this, Liu Heng is laughing, "I see you is embarrassing, so many years, you are always uncomfortable."

"Immediate thinking, but I still have to tell you, people are I definitely take away. You have hated me, this is what I have to do, everything is for her." The epic monet, drink a cup again.

Liu Heng expression is slightly decorated, and it has been toned. He has a deep breath.


"There is still something, in fact, I always want to say ..."

Drip ...

The contact of the contact, the words of epic were interrupted, hurry to take the contact of the contact, and the face can not help but change.

Suddenly put the wine cup, immediately got up, walk outside, shouting: "Come on!"

"What happened?" Liu Hei saw him suddenly change his face and got up.

"Ling Zong wants to go out, I have to hurry." The epic said, people have already gone.

Liu Heng's face suddenly changed, "Not good, Xiaoni is also in Ling Zong." The voice just fell, the next moment, there was no people in the house.

At this time, there are several ways to rush down in Lingzong.

At sunset, Lingzong is all alert in the best, and at this moment, Lingzong main Feng Square, many people come to the square.

The number is also gradually increased.

"You said, those people are not really from the gods."

"I don't know, anyway, it is so passing, and the other's purpose is to find Feng Shi's accounts."

"If it is the god of the gods, we are not worthy of God. The old ancestors are not there!"

"Yeah! What can I do?"

Most of them are almost chatting, just, more is worrying.

"Reassured, I have heard that the elders are negotiable to let the Fengshi sister be borne, after all, this is also her." Suddenly a disciple's voice came out.

And this person has successfully made someone pay attention to him, although there are also some, but they did not dare to render directly.

Next to a male disciple, immediately advised: "Hey! You can't talk about this, be careful ..."

The man immediately laughed: "What are you afraid of? Originally!"

At this time, a group of people not far from here is like wind, and Li Heng brow can not help but look at that person.

"You don't have to be afraid, anyway, if you are really arrogant, we will do it, haha, just the Fengshi sister ..."


A heavy object fell, and it saw the man's disciple flew out.


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