After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3172 Do you dare to do it with me?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! There is a disturbance in a noisy square.

Everyone looked here, I didn't know what happened. What happened, some people flew out.

And the disciple of flying out is the one just talking.

"What is there?"

"I don't know, I have been going on, it seems to have a fight."

"Go, come and see."

Everyone flocked to this side, and the person who stood at the station was surprised to look at the people.

Ji Zhenkawa's mouth suddenly flowed, and a few people standing at the face of angry, "I just did you do it?"

Li Heng is okay, "Well, it is what I play, how?"

Ji Zhenchuan glared at the person who made himself, and struggled immediately.

"Okay, is it? Do you dare to do it?"

"Why don't you dare? See you is not pleasing, don't you?" Li Heng stepped by step to him, and his eyes were full of provocation.

The others are also an accident. "No, how is Li Heng how to play Jiuguan?"

"See me is not pleasing?" Ji Zhenchuan is unacceptable to this reason, and his face is more ugly. "Don't think that you are better than me, you can bull your people casually! I will go to the old man now! "

"Go! Just." Li Heng quickly smiled, completely uncomfortable.

When the season next to it is like a storm, I also said: "Which old disciple is you?"

Ji Zhenchuan suddenly stunned, the awareness of the consciousness, panicked: "What do you want?"

"Just ask questions, then is it tight?" Li Hengton smiled.

On the side of Wu Xi said directly: "His name is Jikawa, is the disciple of the disciple. Not in the long old seat, but the cultivation is not bad, this paradise disciple has entered two hundred than the trial."

After listening to Wu Xi, Li Heng is even smiling and is approaching Jikawa.

This makes the face of Ji Zhenchuan can't help but reveal a panic. After the footsteps, I will refund again. "You are not too much! I tell you, if you move again ..."

! A fist is on his face.

I saw that two bloody teeth appeared on the ground, and the face of Ji Zhenchuan suddenly had a red print, and the corner of the mouth was almost crackled.

"Since you have to tell the elder, then let me give you a few times, anyway, it is necessary to say, if it is only to make a lot?" Li Heng smiled, and he was a punch.

Everyone listened to the sound of the fist, and suddenly it feels like playing on her face, can't help but follow.

The person who was smashed at all, and the eyes were swollen at this moment. He has been inverted, but it is lifted directly with the collar.

Ji, such as the wind, there is no expression: "What do you say, who let you say?"

The eyes of Ji Zhenchuan's ,,,

"Speak, ask you! What is it?" Li Heng then smashed.

Ji Zhenchuan was unable to break free, but the face was unexpectedly smile.

"Ha ... Tear ..." I haven't waited for him to crack the mouth, and the corner of the mouth suddenly took a pain.

Some people are somewhat strange. "What is he going? It's been laughed out?"

Looking at him coldly, once again: "To say! If you don't want to be played for a few months, you can't walk."

"You fight! Hey! Just, when do you suddenly do it for me? It turned out to be a sister of Fengshi?" Ji Zhenchuan is very contemptuous, and his eyes are more disadvantage. "


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