After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3177 should not ... really ugly horrible?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This, so that the season, such as the wind, followed, and immediately immediately: "Okay!"

"Haha!" Lu Ziyu suddenly couldn't help but laugh, pointed to Li Heng said: "It is not so annoying that it is very humorous."

She said this, Li Heng face is a little unnatural, embarrassing, and some ... blush?

Snoving the Eye Yue Yue, seeing a smile on her face, suddenly bowed, his mouth raised a trace.

Some are sinking: "I have been some excessive."

After saying, I suddenly said to Lu Ziyue: "Purple Moon, I apologize to you for the previous things, sorry, I was a little impulsive."

Lu Ziyue suddenly, but very quickly showed a little smile: "Nothing, I have forgotten it."

"Yes, yes?" Li Hengtun laughed up, next to Wuxi couldn't help but turn over the eyes, "Don't laugh, it is a bit stupid."

"What are you talking about?" Li Hengtun blinded to him.

Next to a few, I can't help but laugh, the atmosphere is also relaxed at this time.

looked at the door and sighed. "The family is afraid that it is whip hurt now?"

"You said that ink white brother? Will not, ink Bai Shi brothers must be avoided, the face is absolutely not." Mono said.

When Shi Shi suddenly went to him, "How do you know?"

"You forgot? His face is wearing a mask!" Said a certain reply.

In this way, it is also, and suddenly reminds the .

"Yes." Yan Shiqi suddenly got down, but it quickly remembered what, "Have you seen him?"

Several people who have been asked can not help but have a few times.

Lu Ziyu just want to say, "Of course ..."

"No, of course, there is no." Mono hurriedly said.

Yan Xiaonou suspected of looked at him, and he looked at Lu Ziyue.

Lu Ziyue immediately received a stranger's eyes, constantly giving him eye.

So obviously natural land purple moon understand what it means, then shook it, "never once."

"Really? You have never seen it? This is strange, the guy is old wearing a mask ..." will doubt a moment.

"It's not ... I really ugly, is it?" So, Shi Shii looks at them.

When Stang Yu suddenly looked at her, "Why is Miss Yan say?"

"Generally wearing the mask is either a beautiful shocking ghost, yes, just like the small leaves with Yun Yuyi. Or is it ugly scared people, can make people don't add a meal."

. . "

Listening to her is very reasonable, Lu Zi is almost laughing.

Lu Ziyue also rose, but it was only soon to cover up.

Mo Ji is busy: "This, we will go to the square first, I am afraid that people like Jiugawa have appeared."

"Okay! Go!" immediately agreed that the eyes were still staring at the red art of the hospital door, couldn't help but helpless: "Okay, the red art is rest assured, although you have some excessive, but now people also hit it. It is also closed, not to kill people later. "

"Now it is a matter of priority, it is to prevent some people from being unfavorable to the little ly."

The red art is a shock, and the reaction will be reacted, followed by the momentum, "Who dares!"

That is said, the Red Art is turned to the square.

This change is too fast.

"This ... red art should not be stimulated because of Longfei night?" Yan Shii looked at the red art back, couldn't help.


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