After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3178 is a person in the basin, and it is a part of the basin!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Lu Ziyu is also busy and keeping up, and at the same time: "The little is grateful to the red art, so it cares!"

"Is this?" is still an accident, talking with it.

Others have also traveling together.

Just on the square, more disciples have been gathered at this moment, and it is the door outside the door.

"Hey! Don't say it, otherwise, you have to be ignorant." The man who said immediately went to the person who came.

It's just a few of them, and Li Heng is slightly swept away from the sight.

When I saw it, everyone got some afterwards and gave it a way.

Everyone also stopped the discussion, I didn't dare to speak.

Just, at this time, someone suddenly reflected in the sky, whispered: "? You see, what is there?"

This first exclaimed sounds, followed by the same sound.

Others quickly looked up to see the direction they said, the direction of the sky is the direction of Ling Zongmen.

"This seems to be ... the aircraft." said.

The closer thing, the closer, and it is gradually and gradually, it is a aircraft.

The disciple of the square suddenly exclaimed, "It is a part of the basin, the people in the basin!"

"Fast! Notify the main owner!" Someone shouted.

And Ling Zong's guards also see the people in the first time, immediately notify Lu Yan.

When everyone suddenly was vigilant, some people didn't consciously put the weapons in their hands.

The face is tight, and the eyes are closely eyeing.

"What should I do? Those people are the gods come, and they are all the strong people above the god."

"Hey ... Why is the old ancestors? If the old ancestors are just fine." Some disciples can't help but marry.

Lu Ziyue's eyes were agglied, "" Looking at the size of the aircraft, there are not many people. "

"The so-called god circles are definitely above, I don't know how many people in the basin." Yan Xiaodi is also sinking a bit.

Outside the Gate of Lingzong, a flying aircraft is slowly lowered.

There is no unique identity of this aircraft, but just a 'Shu' word.

Ling Zong's guard guard, suddenly vigilant, "Who is"! "

The hatch of the aircraft gradually opened, and a ladder is hanging from inside.

I saw that I walked out of two middle-aged men, and then a young girl, she still had a bigger man behind her, giving two hands.

As soon as I saw this, guarding the defense immediately, and the leader called again: "Who is the come? Please report it."

Shu Yue did not finish, the eyes of the eyes are faint, Wu Gang on the back of the eyes.

Wu Gang immediately gave us, went to the front, first looked at them disdain.

Then I smiled and said: "The basin is coming to your spiritual account, it is best to let you have the main speed to meet, otherwise we are welcome."

"Watershed?" The Guard Leader shows that it is once again played Wu Gang.

Wu Jang immediately took a waist, "see clearly, the old man is the two elders of the basin."

The leader looked at the name, it was indeed the logo of the basin, and then he looked at the people behind the feelings.

The heart is another tight, I immediately said: "It turned out to be a watershed, a few times, I will report the primary."

After he finished, he gave several cases of explanation, immediately turned into the guard barrier.

Seeing people, Wu Gang squatted, turned to the Shu Yue Yue, suddenly respect: "Adults, why didn't I drive directly to the aircraft? But in this landing, now, wait for them to speak."

"If you can go in, Miss this will not wait here." Shu Yue coldly.

She looked at the transparent barrier and said slightly.


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