After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3179 I didn't expect to be young.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! On the side of the doubts, I looked at it, I was incredible: "This guard is not simple, and even the genre will not be in."

"What? Will n't it?" Wu Gang was immediately shocked. These three of the three are not the cultivator of the mainland, and the strong people who have naturally and the mainland cannot follow-up.

And this guard barrier, if you can't connect their gods, how strong is this defense strength?

"This is some accident." Li Xiyuan tangted.

Wu Gang thought about it, even if it is: "It is only to see it, this barrier is only set by their old ancestors, and can not explain what."

"Several adults are not compared to the cultivators of the people, it is not enough to explain." Wu Junxin said.

In his two hands around him, I immediately crossed a tattoo color in an instant.

"You see, you will see it, you will say it! Oh! Ling Zong's Zong Lord has come out so soon, he has also explained that he is also afraid of three adults."

Wu Gang is very happy, there is a kind of heart that can't be said, and the arrogant spirituality is always the first one of the first one.

Now, I have a hurry to meet them, think of this, my mouth is again suppressed again.

He didn't pay attention, and he helped him in both hands, while he got a white eye.

A group of people who are rising, the head is the head, and the face is not 40 can't reach the man. He follows a group of older old people, and there is a group of disciples who followed.

"Leading that is the principal of Lingzong?" Shu Yue could not help.

Wu Gang immediately replied: "Go back to the adult, just, he is Lu Yan, is the current Ling Zongzong."

"I didn't expect it to be young." Shu Yue did not help.

Let Wu Gang have been embarrassed. If you don't seem to rank the top three, you are very young, but the more you rely, the bigger the age, even the thousands of years old.

Think about himself, now watching more than 50, but actually is 500 years ...

It is better to be repaired, but there is a lot of lavan.

"What is it?"

Shu Yue's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Wu Gang hurriedly woven: "No, not the adult, the next thing is just thinking, the spirit will do it today, we are not going to Xianzong behind us."

"Don't worry." Shu Yu Yue Road.

"How many is the basin of the basin?" Lu Yan took an old old, and some disciples.

In fact, many people also want to follow the lively, but they are all blocked.

It is some important disciples that can be followed at this moment. Basically, they are all within the top two hundred.

Shu Yue looked at the eyes, Wu Gang urgently organized his own jarmeters, and the expression on his face was not always like.

I am going to get two steps, "Hey! Calculate ..."


I saw Wu Gang, who was preparing to get out of the limelight, but the next moment of lifting the feet, inexplicably stunned, and did a close contact with the land.

The surrounding people also didn't respond to this suddenly changed picture, and the air was quiet.

", ..." Wu Gang is difficult to look up, and there is no reactive hand in both sides: "Still ... it will not help me!"

"Hey ... hahaha!" Yan Shii became a lot of shackles, laughing.

Others didn't endure, and they suddenly loudly, "Hahaha!"

Everyone really didn't endure, although the scene atmosphere should be serious, you can look at the limbs, the face is also landing, lifting the head, the earth, Wu Gang, the nosebleed DC, uncontrolled.

Lu Yan couns a few times, covering the mouth of the mouth, and then pretending to pretend to have just not seen anything.


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