After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3181 They want to shovel the spirit?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When Xiaoxi is cold, immediately pointed at Wu Gang: "Darkd dog things! Do you really think you can be resistant? Dare to humiliate, do you want to die?"

Red art is also black face: "The long life of the basin is the same. It is said that Shang Liang is not rushing, do not know the basin of the basin, is it like you?"

Wu Gang's eyes suddenly stunned, "Let's go! Good gallbladder, dare to insult the old!"

Shu Yueyue's eyebrows, and the eyes are just in Wu Gang, "You step down!"

Wu Gang stunned, immediately looked at Shu Yue, "Adults, they are laid down, and they also ironically."

"What happened to you? You can live!" Lu Ziyu also joined in, and three women were disappointing Wu Gang.

Shii looked at Shu Yueyue: "Are you his master?"

"You are a philosophy of Fengcheng, what about her?" Shu Yue's eyesight.

Just, the other party gives her feelings but not like.

Shi Ni directly, "she is not in Zongmen."

"No? It is impossible!" Wu Gang directly said that he did not believe, "the master, they set it to the Fengcheng City."

Shu Yue Yue's looks, "Since there is a person who kills our watershend, how? Now I am hiding now? If you don't come out, then you will be welcome."

The high-yuan is then against Lu Yanway: "Is the primary? Do you think that you shouldn't pay the Fengli City?"

"Gao Long is old, how do you confirm, if you pay the city, the other party will let go of the spirit?" Three elders look at him.

The high yuan looked at the Yue Yue, opening again: "If you start, you should find a Phi City."

"Oh, God is true." The three elders were laughing.

The tall is not, and then looks to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan did not speak.

After the body, the disciples began to spend their spectors, and they also guess the last will be done in the end.

"Hey ..." Lu Ziyu shouted, and his eyes were prayed.

"Lu Zong, you can't think if you don't talk, can you use it?" Wu Goud.

"Adults, they don't cooperate, I feel that there is no need to tell them, and I will take a speech together with Ling Zong." Wu Gang said to Shu Yue.

Lingzong people can not help but change their faces.

"They want to shovel the spirit?"

"This is how to do?"

Director is old, and the disciple of some panic behind him, and it is a great way to say: "What is the disciple of Spirit?"

"No, the long live misunderstood, we are not afraid to die!" There is a disciple from the disciple.

"Yes, we are not afraid."

The high yuan looked at those people, and then looked at Lu Yan, "Zong Lord? Decided!"

"Stinky old! Don't be too much!" directly to him Wu Gang.

"Our adults are giving you a chance, you don't cherish it, this can be blame me." Wu Gang's repayment.

Suddenly, Lu Yan opened, "A few, Lu Mou thought, is there any misunderstanding? Is it better to talk about it?"

Waiting for a long time, I just waited for such a sentence, Wu Jiri almost didn't break the mouth.

Immediately returned: "What is wrong, misunderstood? You have a sophistry!"

"Adults, this Lu Yan is trying to open the city, he is very embarrassing."

Lu Yan failed to show a smile, "this bully just wants to figure out the truth, how can it become a sophistry?"

"You, there is a misunderstanding this, our genus is not that." Gao Yuan was coming out of the unexpected eyes.

Lu Yan's eyes and did not interrupt him.

Shu Yue Yue's eyes are high, "Who are you?"

"The next is the elder of Lingzong, this lady, our Zone said that Feng Qingcheng did not be in the paramen, this is true." The high-yuan language is sincere.

"It's impossible!" Wu Gang returned to the sentence.

Three elders saw the high yuan stood out, and suddenly stop him from talking. He said that he would be pushing the moon to the fire.

When you are ready, you will be scanned by Lu Yan, and the god is completely said, shut up!


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