Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Wu Hao is old, you first listened to the old man to finish the words." Gao Yuan smiled.

"Since then, the Phoenix City didn't follow the door together, and it was still not returned until the entry was not yet."

"The main owner will joking the security of the Zongmen." The high-yuan said, he looked at the vision. "Just in recent days, we have also received news, and Guizong will come to the discussion."

The high-yuan said, his face revealed helpless expression.

Under the left side of Wu Gang, the eyes were challenged, and it was transiently crossed in the eye.

Ling Zong's disciples can not help but eyebrows, and more people: "How is the long life say?"

"Just! Fengshi sister is not."

"What do you know? The old man is called back." The face of the face is also a Sichuan.

Some people listen, it seems that it is possible.

But some people have said that they are worried: "Why is I still worried?"

Ji Zhenchuanzas disdainted smiled: "Worry is right, anyway, the long-lasting dare to say this, have his purpose, it is good for the spirit."

But ... I don't know if there is anything to the Fengcheng City.

Ji Zhenchuan's mouth has hooked, the heart is happy, and the enemy that has just been hit will find a chance to report!

At this time, he also listened to the high yuan: "You don't know, although the phoenix city is very good, it is a rare genius, but is a paradise, is it a disciple?"

"There is a lot of complaints to her. It is what she is the disciple of our old ancestors. No one dares to mention, but she is more excessive, even Gu Zong's hosts are not placed. "

"Old man! What do you say?" .

"You are the last name? Do you deliberately think that you are in a dead place? She didn't kill him at all! You said that you have a try!"

Shiqi is just a step forward, and the hands are even more bright, this is the seven color glass sword that will be taken away by Liu Chengjun.

This sword came out, Wu Gang's face suddenly exposed, "Colorful glass sword? You are ... ?"

He certainly heard it in the case of this zone than the trial.

And this colorful glass sword was originally in the fake sanctuary, and her people were dead.

Now, the natural is the natural sanctuary of the Sword, and the real sanctuary!

"It is your grandmother, I." .

The high yuan looked at the sword in her hand, but said smiling: "The little smile, the old husband is not in the years, it will not be able to be careful with you."

"I am! Who is not less than?" disdain.

After the body, Lu Yan's slight sound came, "the sunflower, come back."

"Why?" was very surprised that Lu Yan not only does not stop the high-end old man, but let her stop?

"The master, Xiaoxi sister did not say anything wrong." Red art immediately.

"Just! Hey, are you doing me? How can I help you abuse!" Lu Ziyan looks out to him.

There are other disciples, some disciples are still unreasonable, and I feel dissatisfied.

However, the sound of their discussion is just a big old man.

No wait Lu Yan repeatedly, Wu Gang suddenly pointed to the Shi Shiqi, "I am a little Kaiki, since you are so don't know how to be high, then your flowers are also waiting!" "

"Adults, when Taizong died in the flowers, they did not stop it, but they still have to force the worry to kill tooil! It is not forgive!" Wu Jigang said angrily.

"You fart! Let you say hello!" Yili Xiaowei's sword is a wave, straight to Wu Gang.


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