After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3183 If you don't want to be died in vain, you will obey!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! when! !

The sword has been blocked by a barrier.

After the death of the winter, the eyes of the Eyes, I went to the Xiaki, when I was invited to random, instantly, and Y Shi Xiaoni took a few steps.

The red art is rushing to help her, "How are you?"

"Nothing." Yan Shii suddenly pressed the shake of the throat.

After the long-lasting winter tag: "Little girl, go to other people's patience as the capital."

, "You ..."

"Small Kwat, enough." Lu Yan once again, "You, she is still a child, there is some impulsive, please don't want to see it."

"Hey, this is the first time, if there is another next time, it is not so simple." Prace the winter and cold.

The old man appeared on the side of the Skianti. I grabbed her arm. I suddenly went back, "Xiaoxi! Cold and quiet, if you don't want to send it, you will be empty!"

Kaiki also wants to say, but the old man is directly imprisoned, and she can't connect, but I can't talk, I can only make the old man pull back.

Li Xiyuan looked at Lingzong's people. "Finally, give you a chance, let Fengfeng City come out."

"Please wait a moment, the Fenglian City is now on the way." High-yuan open mouth.

Shu Yuyue, they can't help but look at him, "This is true?" Wu Gang immediately asked him.

The high yuan is headed, "So, a few don't have to be so anxious, waiting for her back, everything is said."

At this time, the disciples of the spirit suddenly suddenly surprised, "Feng Shi's sister is rushing back?"

I know more people, then I will take it out, "Yes! I heard that this is the old man informing her."

"However, it seems to be notified early." That person said, his face revealed the doubt, "How old is the old man knows that the part of the basin will find the door?"

Ji Zhenchuan's eyes moved, immediately said: "Are you not nonsense? At the beginning, there was a tribute. If he was dead, they were dead, and the long-lasting is just a plan."

"I didn't expect it, I really calculated."

Others know, can't help but look at the tall, "Is this this?" A disciple can't help but doubt.

"What do you want to say?" Ji Zhenchuan is cold to him.

"No, there is nothing, it is some accidents." The man quickly waved.

On the side, people can't help but lose their eyes, how do you feel that he is somewhat different from the elderly attitude, and more seems to be better than they know?

At the same time, it is also thinking about Lu Ziyue.

Similarly, there are also many inside, the words of the high yuan, it is dissatisfied again.

Lu Yan is never stopped, which makes them don't understand.

"The main! You are saying a saying!" The five elders can't hear it.

"Yeah! Don't you let the elders are so messy?" Sixth is also immediately said.

Lu Ziyu jumped over, "Hey! You are not afraid of the old ancestors, find you account?"

Lu Yan looked at her, said quite calmly: "If he is coming back to you, isn't it better?"

"Ah? Hey, what do you say?" Lu Ziyan was in an instant, and he can't think of it, so he deliberately exploded?

"Hey, come over." Lu Ziyue pulled her to the side, whispering her, "He must have his own plan, you don't worry."

Lu Ziyu is struggling, worrying: "But the city is coming to the net."


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