After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3192 'Fengcheng' came 4

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This makes other people look at the mist.

But it also understands what kind of cat is there.

There are no rebels, but doing it or do it.

Ren a few shouting, and they have not ignored the guards.

The high yuan looked at the mouth of a group of people hooked, and there was a bit helpless. "It is a way to have a way. These children are really less and less."

"Oh, do you understand?" The three elders disdainful sneaked.

At the same time, at the same time, the 'Fengqing City' has come to Shu Yuyue, and the eyes glanced, and a little irony.

Then I said: "People you find are me, now I will go with you."

"Even if you want to kill me, I should change it. After all, I will die, if I die, still in front of the Zongmen and the elders."

"I am afraid that I will come back, they are also difficult to escape."

"Hey! Do you think you? What are you doing?" Wu Gang scorn the moon, then I want to stay in the moon: "Adult, Fengcheng to kill, but these spirits can definitely can't let go!"

Shu Yuyue looked at Lingzong, and he looked to Wu Gang: "Are you in order?"

"No, not the adult ..." Wu Gang still wants to say anything, but the eyes of Shu Yue are very dangerous, can't help but say.

After completing the winter, Li Xiyuan immediately paid a look at it, and the two were a little bit.

Phando Dongdong Even when the opening: "Miss, before the door, the owner has a hand, the mainland of the people, can only be the basin of the basin in the future."

"So this so-called first door, there is no need to stay."

Ling Zong Zhong listened to this, the completion is another change.

"What do they mean? No matter what the Feng Shi is not out, Ling Zong is going to be destroyed?" Some disciples panicked.

There is also no calm in the elders. Lu Yan's face is stunned, looking at the long winter, whose sizzling: "I want to destroy my spirit? That has I have to ask us agree or not."

Li Xiyuan is a little smiled: "You? What do you count? Our watershed has been waiting for a long time in the first position, and it is time to make it."

'Fengliang City' is in the gods, and then looks around, and then looks to Shu Yue.

I can't help but score: "Are you a big lady? How can I think that your hand seems to be more like a master than you?"

"Feng Town, you have to pick it up, you are dead to the top, still don't know?" Wu Gang immediately pointed to her reprimand.

The 'Feng Town' does not matter, smile and say, "I know! You said that I wanted me to die, but I didn't hinder me said that the big thing is not?"

Wu Gang suddenly, pointed to her. "Okay, you will be a Fengcheng! I will see how you still arrogant!"

One of Wu Gang's two hands can not help but laugh. "This person is still like that thing?"

Under the left side, I scored a smile, and I fid it.

Shu Yue did not care about the words of 'Fengli City', but the incidents of Li Xixuan said with the long winter.

I doubtful in the eye, I also looked at Li Xiyuan. I also doubt: "Uncle Li, what do I don't know?"

This is not a small thing. When she was fighting for her person, his father did not mention her.

Li Xiyuan smiled and said to her: "This is the token given by the owner. See this order as to see the master. What is the big sister?"


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