After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3193 Why do you die for you?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Shu Yue saw the black iron in his hand, and the unicorn map was also printed on it, his face was slight, and his eyes did not help but a bit.

"How? Miss Miss still question?" Li Xiyuan looked at her and put together in hand.

At this moment, Wu Gang's heart is not controlled.

When Ling Zong is out, then the fairy will be out of the fairy, and then let the flowers will solve the meteorism, hehe! In the future, this star mainland other sectors dare to look down on the basin?

"Still thinking about the master! Don't hesitate, after all, the long grass does not remove the root, the spring breeze is born again." Wu Gang advised the Shu Yue.

Shu Yueyue's eyes are cool, cold and glance, Wu Gang, suddenly let him smash.

Then, "Since Li Shu is moved out of the master token, the lady can also oppose?"

The others listened to their dialogue here, the more I listened, the more shocking, so that this big robbery today, I am afraid.

"Zone? What should I do now?" The old man immediately looked at Lu Yan immediately, and the look was even dignified.

"Bring them to the zone, starting the guards of the guards." Lu Yanway.

"What about you?" San Long asked.

"I am a generous." Lu Yan said that the voice is also sinking a bit.

The high dollar on the side, the face can not help but draw a dignified, the line of sight is in the 'Fengqing City' body, the mouth is slightly evoked.

"The original old man thought they were just looking for a Fengqing city to revenge, did not expect ... Hey." The high-yuan said, can not help but shake his head.

The old man is cold and cold: "Okay, is it still useful?"

"The old man seems to be determined to die?" The high yuan immediately.

"What kind of gods you play? But don't talk nonsense!" The three elders ridiculously.

The high-yuan smile smiled, and next to Liu Tiger suddenly said: "A few old ages, now you don't forget, you don't forget, the Feng Town is not a group of contract beasts? Those who are all The sacred beast, there are a few beasts! "

"Yes, there is a lot of phoenix!" The tall is calm.

When this is done, you can't help others, and it is reminded that it is reminded.

Exhibition: "Yes! I almost forgot her ..."

"I am! What is the right?" The three long lives will be cold and sweeping them. "Do you want to face?"

Said, three long old, read the eye Liu Hu, "Even if she is there? What is your kind of person to die?"

In the face of the three elders, there is a bit embarrassing.

Liu Tiger and the high yuan are faces so cold, and the tall is still wanting to say.

I heard that Lu Yan has been loud: "Since few do not want to let this door, it can only be a battle."

"Well! Then I am very compassionate, let you die!" Li Xiyuan fell, and the momentum was instantly skyrocketing.

At this time, I also gave the old eyes of several inner door, and I suddenly made a few internal door portals and advanced all disciples into Zongmen.

... ... was pushed into the disciple in the main protection barrier in an instant, mostly fell on the ground.

Then, the big old boss drunk, "Closed Gate!"

The words have been dropped, and the guard barrier is closed again.

In this way, the outer door is only left, and there is Lu Yan.

"Oh, do you think it is useful?" Li Xiyuan quickly looked up, and the energy was running in the palm, and suddenly he took the barrier.

"Wait." The "Feng Town" suddenly shouted.

Li Xixuan's eyebrows, suddenly look at her, "Are you looking for death?"

"It's not me for death, but ... you." The "The Phoenix Town '", the scorpion flashes a white light, and the corner of the mouth raises a strange laugh.

This smile is a little pierced, let Li Xiyuan can't control the inexplicable fear.

At the same time, 'phoenix city' is in an instant!


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