After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3194, Laozi likes to be easy to do your ass?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Ah?" Wu Gang took behind.

Li Xixuan has changed again, "You are not a Fengli City!"

The breath on the 'Fengli City' is really in power, which is impossible to be a holy-level cultivated person.

Shu Yue is also amazing with the long winter.

"Want to know? Walk." The "Feng Town" lips rose, his hands finger.

In a few surroundings, the transparent barrier is turned out in an instant.

It is exactly a rigmatism, or is still a powerful rigmatism!

One of this comic circle, people outside the neighborhood could not see it. What happened inside.

The people in the junior also can't see the outside, such a change made Shu Yue Yue's face and the face of the long winter.

"You are not true Feng Cai, why?" Shu Yueyue suddenly launched, staring at 'Fengli City' as if he wants him to wear.

"Feng Xia City is just a holy, this force is impossible to be her ability."

"Say, who you are!"

After the long winter, I will calm down a face, and the palm is floating, ready to do it.

Wu Gang is a thistle tributing at this moment, not because he is afraid, or is oppressed by the powerful momentum.

Wu Gang's horror looked at this sudden championship, the space was closed, as if it was another world.

The angle of the mouth is slow, and the eyes can not help but have been widened, and the breathing is also difficult.

These undoubtedly do not explain that the pressure in the space is not all he can withstand.

"Big ... adults, subordinate ... Try, should we first think about it?"

"Do you go out?" "'Feng Town' faint smile," Yes, I am not a phoenix city. "

"You aren't?" Wu Gang suddenly exclaimed, "Why do you want to disguise it?"

'Feng Town' scornful, then took out a Dan medicine and swallowed it, followed by a faint tone: "Are you stupid? Laozi likes to pass your ass?"

Suddenly, the voice of 'Fengli City' became a male voice, the sound listened to it so familiar?

"You ... Are you a man?" Wu Gang's eyes were angry, and the 'phoenix city' after the medicine was taken. "

This scene, also let the Shu Yue offended in the scene showed a mistake.

"What? Are you a man?" Li Xiyuan was shocked, never seen, Yi Yi people, can also change the body change?

I saw that the body was in conjunction, the skin is white, and suddenly become a taller, the body is robust, and the face is cold.

'Fengliang City' thin lips rose, take off the butterfly mask on his face, and only see his face is too white, and the corner is hung in the corner.

"How? Xiaoye, my original length can be ok?" When the white immersed, the eyes of the eyes were cool, Wu Gang couldn't help but feel the neck, and the heart was shrinking.

Seeing the true capacity of the other party, Shu Yue's eyes can not help but shake, this man is handsome, but it makes people feel the cold.

"No, you are not the people on this continent." But let's think about it, if the other party is not the mainland, is it a god? I feel unlikely.

White mysterious smile, looked at her, the brow is light, and it is not.

When you raise your hand, I waved in Wu Gang. Wu Jiede didn't control the automatic flooding. "No ... No, adults! Adults will save!" Wu Gang is still struggling, struggling, hard work, suddenly grab Side of hands next to the hand. "Mixing things! Don't save this old!"

"Don't die, who do you say?" The sound of the sound in his hand.

Wu Gang suddenly fired, the slammed side stared in the left side of the arm.

But ... The eyes are next moment, and it is one.


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