After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3198 rest assured, just temporarily

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! And in the day of the test, I did see that people who really saw the moon from World of Warcraft, but I didn't see the Phoenix body.

The basics of the basin of the basin have been almost dead, and only color is still alive.

Moreover, they come to people, this will not believe that this place is a rare, and the beast is even more difficult. Let alone have been passed, there is a group?

Is this not what Tianfang Night is?

This situation, only the person who has seen it in their own eyes will believe it.

I don't blame them, but I still think about it directly to kill the moon, not to first find a way to let her hand over the gods to lift the contract, and then kill.

The moon is too lazy to follow them a few of the tongue, and directly take out a porcelain bottle to the white impermanence, "Xiaobai, I will give them two feeding."

White is imperfectly understanding, the bottle is fixed by her refined poison.

The effect of poisonous Dan refining the moon is very interesting.

When the mood is suddenly flying, the face is also open, and it is connected to the Dan medicine bottle.

The month will see his smile can't help but feel inexplicable. Isn't it to feed a poisonous Dan?

"Toasting, don't eat, eat fine wine, if you don't give you a little lesson. Is it true when you said this?"

"Have a dedication!" Li Xiyuan came with his hand, and he was again shot again.

However, the two attacks just have to come out, and the white is incompetently containing two people, I have my throat.

The two instantly glanced at the people who were close at hand, this speed is too fast!

They didn't see it at all, and when I didn't move.

"Don't self - quantitative." White is crowded, screaming their throat, pull back, directly in the junior, and rebound on the ground.

Both people have vomiting blood, and they are impermanently approached again, and they will directly give him two pills.

"Uncle Li, Bi Uncle!" Shu Yue is tense.

The moon is already finished, the tone is in the light: "I am patiently limited, ask again, what?"

The two tried to spit out the pill, but it is no longer possible.

At the same time, it is trying to transport the energy to force the drug, but it is found that Dantian has no response.

"What are you feeding us?" After the completion of the winter, he asked.

"Nothing, that is, you temporarily become ordinary people, rest assured, just temporary." Moon is slightly smiling.

But the other two is very shocked, and can not be used? How can this be?

"We are God in the late stage! We can't hurt our poisonous to the continent." Li Xiyuan can't believe it, try again.

However, "..."

Li Xiyuan suddenly spit out, this is more frightened, "you ..."

"Don't I am me, I said, just let you repair it for a while, but it is necessary to remind it, don't forced it, otherwise ... will accelerate death."

The month is over, and it is cold and cold.

The general Dan medicine naturally can't do anything to these people, but ... those who are all after her gods!

Oh, there are many indigenous rooms in her space.

Li Xiyuan and the two of the long winter, once again shocked, they became more and more, who is the woman in front of you?

"Are you not a humanity?"

"Of course, it is a star mainland." Month suddenly smiled.

If Wu Gang did not die so early, they may asked Wu Gang to let them down to kill the Phoenix city, there is no way to explain one thing, it is that she is a rumor that has disappeared still.

If it is said, I am afraid that now it will be another picture.


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