After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3199 White City Shujia

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! After reading the winter, I saw the Shu Yueyue who was with the dagger, and I looked at Li Xiyuan with vomiting blood.

I can't help but sigh.

"White City?" The moon is ignored, and he is really clever.

When I asked, "But the city owner is white?"

I heard the words, I was so surprised expression in the middle of the people and other people, and I looked very unexpectedly.

"How? I am very strange, I will know the name of White City City?" The month is crying, "is he not?"

"No ... is not." Diplinked in the heart of the winter, seeing the other party seemed to know very well?

I can't help but I don't help but I'm afraid. "Isn't that his son is responsible?"

"Both ... are not ..." Polls again denied it again.

The moon has been lie in his face. He has been sinking a few points. He is cool, and the foot is moving.

After the long-lasting winter, the heart is unable to restrain the nervousness, the other party's cultivation is not high, the oppression of the direct hit is to make him angry.

"He ... in the former city, in fact, it has already changed three thousand years ago."

The moon is dark and dark, and the condensation: "Continue."

Phando: "White City is ... He is dead. And his son's white Lingcheng is unknown, and everyone else is also lit."

"We also don't know where the Lord of Shao City, later gods and sent people to Baicheng as a new city."

"How is human death?" Moon passed the cold light instantly.

After the long winter, the expression is hysteres, "this ... this, we are not very clear."

"It's not very clear, that is also a little bit?" Moon suddenly turned a whip, long whip, and there was a crack directly.

When the cold scorpion suddenly took a long winter, "I know that you are the repair of God level, the ordinary ruler can't hurt your body. But ... I have different whips."

After completing the winter, I will see it when I look at Li Xixian. There is no difference in watching the whip.

"If I ask once, I don't cooperate. Then I can only eat a whip." The moon is gently danced, looking at them coldly.

After reading the winter, I looked at Li Xiyuan, and my face was very difficult.

Snapped! Snapped!

In an instant two whip, I only feel that the pain of the heart of the body is also brought a lot of pain.

More terrible, there is an energy to be taken out!

Li Xiyuan also found it wrong, and the two immediately watched the purple long whip in the month.

"This ... how can this ..."

"Say still not to say?" The month will ask again.


The more you can't solve the heart of Shu Yue, why is this woman in this person who cares about the front of the city of Baicheng?

"Feng Yu ..." Shu Yue just shouted, suddenly hesitated, and felt right, then changed, "Miss Feng, you don't have to be difficult for two uncle."

"Let me say!" Said Shu Yue.

"Miss!" He hurriedly called.

Shu Yuyue did not help but laughed, "Wonderful, it is not a goddess, even if you say it, you will not pass back. Moreover, there is nothing can't say."

I haven't said anything, just look at her.

Shu Yuyue suddenly suddenly, it seems to start recalling. "I only heard about the death of the former city owner, I haven't born it. I only know, on the night, the city mainfare suddenly came out of a quite scream. Sound, however, after it hasn't moved, the original outsiders thought that only the city is in the middle of the night. "

"The outsiders are curious, but they don't care."


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