After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3267 What did they understand?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Why is this guy still does not change the problem, screaming, trouble ..."

Feng Dance is a white eye, and it is very disappointing.

"Bold! Do you dare to say that this adult is ? This adult is packed you now!"

Sweaks anger said that followed by a flame in the phoenix dance.


The phoenix dance is free, the flame is extinguished, and the Suzaku is also directly taking a few tens of meters away.

Some helplessness, "Okay, it is just a goddess, don't really hurt it. If it is really angry, wait until it recover, it is careful that it will be a chance to retaliate, don't forget that this guy is very revenge."

The phoenix dance shrugged, and he looked at the Suzaku that struggled over, and then laughed: "It is rare to encounter the opportunity to bully it, I didn't endure it."

Suzaku is stunning in the distance, and it is very shocked to look at Feng Dance, "You ... can you hurt?"

"Isn't this normal?" Feng Dance is very laughing, it is really fun to see this stinky fart.

"You don't have trouble." The month left, step by step to Suzaku, squatted in front of it, and bowed down.

Suzaku was looked at the month, and he was a little embarrassed, it seems to be shy.

"Girl ... Don't look at people like this, although this adult knows that he is beautiful, it is embarrassed to be embarrassed."

The month will leave the forehead black line, which is spelling the night with Dragonfly.

"Suzaku, don't you recognize the emperor?"

Suzaki heard, some doubts, do they understand?

I stared at the moon again, I saw it suddenly and suddenly suddenly showed: "Do you deliberately say this? It caused this adult's interest in you?"


OK, the month has been fully affirmed, and this guy has indeed lacking some.

However, she still have to admire Suzaki, even if they have lost their memory, but it is not changed!

"Master ..." Feng Dance Horn is smiling, I want to say anything but I don't dare.

The moon is faintly obliquely, the phoenix dance of the eyes, "OK, it's now in this situation, it should be not only the flesh, and the gods also have damage."

"What should I do?" Feng Dance smile, can't help but be anxious.

The month will look at Suzaka again, and put it out on the head of Suzaku.

Suzako was originally wanted to hide, but the woman in front of him was inexplicably attractive and unconsciously dismissed the idea, and it was still close to.

Can always be a little strange, how can this person can't tell the familiarity?

Long phase? breath? feel?

What did they understand?

Unducained Suzaku feels the touch of the palm of the palm, the month has been returned.

"It was previously sealed in the body of epic, and there were constant self-repair, and ... epic should be the future generation of Suzaki, so I can help it. Only, the seal is too early, it has not fully recovered. "

The moon is said to look at the epic. I saw a lot of clouds after a thunder before, but I gathered at this time.

"This is really a robbery."

"Shi Feng is really going to enter the gods?" Feng Dance is a bit surprised.

Since epic is the future of Suzaku, the original talent is better than ordinary people, and according to the reason, it should break through the gods.

Nowadays, it is because Suzaku seal in his body and took his part of the aura.

"Hey! What are you talking about? How do you have a big person, one will be the person in a while, come with talk? I don't pay attention to the existence of this adult?" Suzaku said, very angry.

The fire on the head is also a jump.


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