After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3268, anyway, will not call your master

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This is very funny, but the moon looks at it seriously, saying: "Suzaki, no matter what you don't remember everything, but the emperor still tells you, if you want to reshape the flesh."

From today, you follow me, I have a way to restore you.

The phoenix danced his head and said, "Hear no? Small Suzaku, you now give a question, if you want to fix it as soon as possible, you will be honest!"

Suzaku immediately looked at her, "Let you let you touch the head!"

"Hey? I am still not happy? The owner just touched you, why don't you say?" Feng Dance is quite uncomfortable, "I see you is a shot, but you remember anything!"

"There is no big talent, I didn't know you." Suzak was reversed immediately.

Looking at it, I asked: "Do you agree?"

Zhuzu said to look at her, and looked at the phoenix dance, first asked, "she is not a person, right?"

The month is away, "Well."

Feng dance looked at Suzaku, and asked this?

I immediately listened to Suzaku asked: "Is she a bird?"

"I am! Both your grandmother is a Phoenix! You are birds!"

The phoenix dance is dissatisfied.

Suzaku, I got up and down, I was so angry. "The big person is indeed a bird! Suzaki God. This adult said that the breath is not right, the original is. Hey! Phoenix is ​​not a bird? You still dislike your identity? "

When the phoenix dance suddenly looked at him, "What is your guy say? Phoenix is ​​a category of the bird, but not a bird! How many categories are there? Are you not a class?"

If the non-owner just explored its Yuan God, she is really doubts, this stinking bird is still a ghost that year!

"Cut ... This adult can never deny that you are a bird. However, this adult is more excited than your Phoenix, seeing the adult, not so low?" Suzaki is again proudly, it seems really Waiting for the phoenix dance to her.

Feng Dang is going to be , if it is not suitable, it is absolutely.

"Let me meet you? Are you itching?"

"Dance, okay!" The moon sighs, "I have passed so many years, how do you like this?"

"Master! It is too annoying that it is too annoying!" Feng said uncomfortable.

If the Suzaku is the way to form a person, it will be a ghost face towards her.

The moon is somewhat helpless, and then I asked Suzaku: "I just asked you, how are you thinking about?"

Now, the Suzaka mear is gone, and I don't remember what I have happened. I naturally can't order it directly to order it, I can only step by step.

At this moment, her inner is actually sad. She really wants to know what happened after she didn't have it.

Suzaku and her are not a life and death contract, but the equality contract, her dying will not have much impact on Suzaku.

But now this situation can only explain that there must be a very bad thing in these thousands of years!

After the Suzaku hesitated, sighed: "Since the Phoenix follows you, then the adult is hard to follow you."

Is it difficult?

Feng Dance can not help but sweat, then I will just glance in the month.

The moon is pulling slightly, "Okay."

Suzaku also looked at the epic of the critical moment. "If you don't go back to his body ..."

"Provincial province, you can follow the owner, do you take a lot of cheap?" Feng Dance really can't hear it. This guy is cheap and selling!

Too bad!

Zhu Huaku: "How should I call you? What should I call you? Anyway, I will not call your master. This adult is a very distinguished godbird, how can you call you a mortal owner, isn't it very losing. "


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