After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3279, you are best to go back to the mirror

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Moon Ink White is slowly said: "Maybe this is an upgrade of reborn?"

"Okay! Have a completed?" Liu Heng immediately interrupted the two people with epic.

"Epic, although you are still you, but you have clear, your own look is different! You will hold down with the small sun, and it will make you guilty."

The epic smiled, and then put the Kaiki Suspended to Liu Heng said: "What did I change? Don't take a bones, no matter what I become, I will always love her uncle."

"You! You'd better go back to the photo mirror! Hey! Don't say that I have not reminded that the famous sound of the small smart is very important, you will keep it a distance from him in the future, so that you will be left behind."

Liu Heng is very uncomfortable, and it is very annoying that the eyes of epic.

Shi Shi smiles, did not return to him, and Xiakun turned to Liu Heng. "You take your thoughts to speculate out uncle, and, I don't need you, you still manage yourself!"

"Small Kwat! Hey is also for you, we know the situation is nothing, but outsiders don't know, watching him is intimate with you, will have any discussion." Liu Heng persuaded.

The epic is revealed, and what is he exaggerated now?

Immediately bowed to your clothes, and touch your face, just think that the skin has a lot of tenderness than before.

The words of Xiakuni to Liu Zheng are dissatisfied, and he is always intentional for epic.

But epic blocked her from continuing, "Okay, you are crying here, I am afraid that I am afraid that everyone will read jokes."

"Where! Is this girl heaven? Although I have no law with the small departure, I stand in a group of women is still very outstanding."

Speaking of the long-term phase, Yan Shikun suddenly confident, very proud, very chest.

"... cough cough ..." Moon white suddenly coughed.

I can't help but look at him, Yan Xiaomi is also surprised to see the month, "What happened? How did you suddenly cough? Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, no, not." When the month, the eyes immediately looked at other directions, and the face was slightly different, it seems ... Some red?

Month, I can't help but rise with Longfei, I naturally understand some of them.

But there is no break, Longfei night pats the white shoulders of the moon, whispered: "Are you shy? Hahaha!"

"Shut up! How can I?" Moonlight is more unnatural.

The epic smiled, and then said: "Well, Xiaoxi is always the most loved in his uncle."

When the words, the epic faces are serious, and a few people next to them.

Lu Yan saw epic came, the look is still calm, but the eyes are a strong and historical poem, seeing him getting closer, then look at the side, deliberately put it.

I immediately heard that epic said: "Thank you."

"Don't, but it is a clothes." Lu Yan said back to the sentence.

"It's not telling you, it is to follow the city." Epic immediately returned to him.

Lu Yan suddenly failed to show his epic immediately, and he saw the epic perspective of the moon.

This is awkward, Lu Yan immediately coughed a few times, covering his own embarrassment.

Other people next to can't help but show a smile.

"Your teacher is really up and down, and even coughing is the same." Shi Shi said.


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