After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3280 still remembers the bet that we have played?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The month is also the epic Road at this time: "But it is a little busy, I can't talk about thank you, and I haven't done it."

Shi Shi immediately swayed, "How is it a little busy? Life and death! It is a life-saving in the history, I will be grateful to God, so big, naturally, I can't just thank you."

The moon looks like the epic, and this is not as simple as the surface, and it nodded: "Well! Since the Shu Shu said so, if the city is, if you have your kindness, it is not mine. "

Epic heard, suddenly laughed, "Good!"

"Nothing? Let's go!" Lu Yan Qing cold voice came.

Everyone thought of at the moment, Yuan Ji is busy: "At the moment, it is too late. If you say it, it is afraid to be bright. Let's go! Let's go first!"

"Yes." The month suddenly remembered what.

Lu Yanpin heads, "Okay, you will go first!"

The moon is inexpensive and the focuses, and then gives the Shu Yueyue to leave.

Shu Yue also said before: "Since we have nothing, we will go back to rest first."

"Two, please." Lu Yan is nrateful.

After they left, Lu Yan turned around.

Everyone has arrived on the epic, this is God level!

Entering the god level has been destined to enter another realm, how many people can't touch it in a lifetime.

Liu Heng is not sent, and I don't know what I am thinking.

Lu Yan is in front, suddenly there are more individuals, look at it, "But is there?"

"Yes!" The history of epic raised, suddenly stopped the shoulders of Lu Yan, and it was close to: "Remember our gambling?"

Lu Yan fang suddenly solidified, but he said: "Gambling? How do we have? How do I think we have a bet?"

"Hey? I don't think about it now? Otherwise, I am now calling Yu Qing to come to Ling Zong to help you recall memories?" The epic said, his face revealed a provocative smile.

Lu Yan face is unnatural, and then suddenly realizes what it seems to say, "It seems that there is, yes, I think it is, this bully seems to have been settled."

"Yes? Then I don't have to remind you again, start tomorrow, what do you know?"

Epic finished, the smile on the face is deeper.

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth suddenly scattered, and then it was a person next to him. "I hope to gamble, I am the Lord of Lu Yan Tang, will you play?"

The man who followed together and he felt strange, and the three long old saw other elders.

"Do you know what kind of gambling is the main owner?"

"I don't know." The two elders shook their heads directly.

"Have you heard of the boss?" The three elders look at the old man.

The old elders also shook their heads, "I have never heard of this matter, but, I don't seem to lose if I look at the principle."

"Right, I still have something, it is, I have to thank you!" Epic opposite Lu Yanway.

Lu Yan lazy glanced at the poem of the eye, his heart, I wanted to say, but the epic took the blood to vomit blood.

"However, this dress style is good, it seems to be big, are you not eating fat recently?"

If you want Lu Yan back, the epic said: "Lu brother! You can get exercise! If you look at the sister, it is still in the same year! But if you don't care, you can't make it. The bad old man, be careful outside people to see you, misunderstanding you are a father! "

Lu Yan instantly blocked his chest in an instant, and immediately stared him, then breathing: "You can be relieved, I will advance! This matter is not strong!"

"That's good. You are better, otherwise, you, I am afraid that I will see it in the future." When the epic said this sentence, it was obviously a heavy sigh.


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