After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3281 is a strange guy

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Lu Yan looked at the epic, and the doubts were crossed.

How is this meaningful?

Lu Yan is asking for casual way: "Don't think that you can rob it first, you can say these words, you wait! I will not let you wait too long."

Epic heard the words, taking the hand on the Luyan should also take it for a force.

At the same time, I am happy to laugh: "Good!"

Lu Yan did not disappoint epic, but he always felt that he couldn't say the strange.

Although I have a doubt, Lu Yan did not ask directly. After all, the other party did not want to say the reason why they did not say.

In the distance behind them, Longfei night suddenly took a white ink, and then went close to the ear: "Do you think that Master is very good?"

"Well. I saw it." Moon ink is white, and then I immediately recovered the line of sight, and I accidentally glanced over the eye.

But the face is unconscious and red, but also the night is deep, and it is covered by the mask.

"Do you think they are now like our brothers?" Longfei night said again.

Moonlight is directly, but the head is low, but I didn't look at him.

"Hey?" Longfei night patted his shoulders, "What do you see? What can I see on the ground?"

Moon Moon is immediately looked up, nervous: "Ah? No, no!"

Longfei night suddenly looked at him, "What happened? How is it strange?"

Shiki turned to look two, then line up on the white ink.

She just wants to open, "ink ..."

Moon White suddenly shouted: "Master! The disciples suddenly remembered still something, very important things, the disciples are also gone!"

I have fallen, and the monthly ink is not waiting for the rock, there will be a few remaining shadows to finally disappear in the night.

Longfei night did not react, hand, still hanging the posture of holding a monthly ink whites.

"This ... What is the guy? How is the fire?"

"It's a strange guy." Yan Shii said in the direction of disappearing.

"Go with him!" Lu Yan said, turning his head and continued.

"On the sun, before ..."

Suddenly, Liu Heng's voice came later. He didn't talk on this road. This will suddenly call her.

"Start, old, there is nothing to say between us, I am very mood now, you'd better not get on the fire."

When Sun Kaiki didn't want to talk to him, she still had a chaotic, and some things still need to be good.

Moreover, 'Liu Chengjun' this thing is not to say that I will forget, let her do anything to forgive Liu Heng.

Sorry, she can't do it.

Liu Heng expression is stiff, the expression is lost: "It is not right before, can you forgive?"

"It's enough! One is wrong, one makes me forgive me if I don't have anything? Please, Liu Da dominates, I have been missing for a long time, I asked you a few times, you said that she is dead with me, I Later, I knew that her accident was because of you, you also said that I said to me, 'It's sorry for you' ... "

"Later? The same thing happened to me, if not my life! If you are not the Sad uncle saved me! You thought you would have a chance to stand in front of me, is you?"

"You really think, can I change my forgive? Do you really think that can you make the dead resurrection? If I am not lucky, now I am a dead!" " .

"You ask yourself, do you really have doubts about 'Liu Chengjun'?"


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